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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. If you believe practice reports and FCB, then I bet you go broke every time you hit the strip club because you really believe, for those few Def Leppard songs, that Cinnamon thinks your acne and man tits are sooo cute.
  2. Lived there for a couple of years and if you stay in same side of town, love it. Don't try and cross town too many times. Lot of people had great suggestions so only touristy thing I'd add is renting bikes in Santa Monica and riding to Will Rogers state park area. A fun daytime event.
  3. I don't know what will happen in episode 6 but I have to imagine this has decent ending for Jimmy. The question is how much damage happened to get Jimmy to that decent ending (a la Andy Dufresne and the Sisters or worse). Either way, have definitely enjoyed this show so far.
  4. Your REM wasn't established enough yet to remember the early part of dream where Ewers sustained an injury during camp because that is only way your dream is true. But still.....10% chance your dream becomes reality.
  5. I will either fight you or confirm within 96 hours or so. Haven't been but I love me my baked potatoes for lunch and I live close by.
  6. it's not 2018. If you don't mention EDGE or Boundary or Jack in a post, you don't know shit.
  7. What does this mean again?
  8. Fwiw, I just brought up Scotland as one place I'd like to move if there is ever a civil war here. Costa rica, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and Ecuador made our top five. So do it (when she dies).
  9. Then I believe my one week in Scotland doesn't count.
  10. Truth was top notch today. Stood in line because I'm old school like that. Though if we were to rank pet peeves, people cutting > slow ordering. I've started to just walk ahead of people who are right in front of me and allow people to cut. Today, we were already in the inside part of the line with life-saving a/c when 5 people barreled past everyone in line outside and then ahead of us to join their law firm coworkers that were directly in front of us. I just told all of those folks "we are going to go ahead and get in front of all of you" and just walked ahead of them. They were not amused (and said so in their lawyerly way) but I'm fine being Larry David in this situation. Sorry, not sorry. And yes, online ordering saves you from that too. So maybe yall have something there..... Ps their Brussel sprouts were on fire delish today
  11. Reacher. Shooter. Terminal list. All hallmark movies for men. Same plot, quite predictable, yet oh so entertaining.
  12. Agreed. Most local food wasn't great but food scene was really good. Somehow ate various very tasty non-local meals. I did not expect that.
  13. Few of us went and we fell in love with the place. Hire a local driver when you do scotch tours. We stayed in Edinburgh and fantastic restaurants though I can't remember any specific names. Oddly enough, one of best Italian meals I've ever had. Also, little town called Tomintoul had a great restaurant and we stayed at a hotel there that we all thought was haunted. Never had felt that energy before (nor have since). Who knows. Also, they hate it when you put more than a drop of water in your scotch. I like ice in my scotch so got many comments on that. I am too old to care too much about others judgments on ice in my drink but it was interesting convo.
  14. Same question on what symptoms are. I can still do a push up and yoga so i have that going for me...but I have constant dull pain (like a 3 out of 10 scale) in my right shoulder. Been like this for years.
  15. After going there every other week or so since it opened--not even covid could get between me and that brisket/tater tot casserole/corn pudding--I haven't been in probably 3 months. Well, I've gotten the cravings for bbq again so good to hear still strong as ever.
  16. I got it after my daughter and wife got it. Daughter was semi-sick for a couple days and had foot scabs. Wife got terrible sores in mouth and not much else....but she had worst of it as those sores lasted a week and were painful. I got a fever that went up to 104 so had one terrible day but then got over it fairly quickly. Did get some minimal bumps in my hands. So three of us got the same strain yet all had different symptoms. Science, yo.
  17. Yet, DVNP is more suffocating. But both basically force you into a/c so might as well be same thing.
  18. Our trip was a success so thanks for some of recs. We ended up thinking we were going to just hit western top of DNVP (father crowley and Darwin falls) but once there, we said " fuck it, we will never come here again" and decided to drive the extra 90 minutes to badwater basin. So we saw 80% of park highlights. Our only personal miss was ubehebe crater but that would have added another one hour to our now 5.5 hour detour on way to Mammoth. We were all glad we did it (even 6 and 12 year old). Very beautiful. Barren. Hot as shit at 120 degrees. Will never go there again and that parks username most definitely checks out. Mammoth was awesome. Like some did for me, highly recommend June Lake Loop. We rented kayaks at silver lake and had a great time rowing around. Mammoth restaurants were all good. Also recommend the devils postpile and rainbow falls hike. We barely made it as hike maxed out my 6 year old with that uphill on way back....But again, everyone had fun. Then after relaxing in Mammoth for those few days, we hit up Yosemite. 2nd prettiest place in contiguous USA with all of us voting Grand Tetons a bit higher. Still a Cindy Crawford but we had just seen Elle Mcpherson the summer before. (Sidenote: only prettier place I've ever seen than grand tetons is Machu picchu) Finished trip with Sequoia National Park to see the trees. Kids learned a ton there. Not as pretty as other areas (again, still gorgeous)....But we were also tired and never got to Kings Canyon so can't fully rate that area. Also, take Dramamine when driving here because road is non-stop winding loops for an hour. Final comment is holy shit is California in a drought. So dry. Thought we were dry here in Texas and.....nope.
  19. Bahn Mi n More on 290 is our go to...But we are one-trick ponies when it comes to Vietnamese and only order banh mi. It's really good there.
  20. I am too dumb to understand this
  21. Anyone have a fingerprint-operated deadbolt? We have the Schlage numerical keypad and really like it but as our girls get older (no pics), we rather have the fingerprint than numerical which they can give away. Ps to actually help out this thread rather than just selfishly ask a question, we recommend the Schlage numerical deadbolt. It is great because you can give different codes to different people and turn that specific code on/off whenever you want. We have found that super convenient for neighbors, housekeepers, dogwalkers, etc.
  22. Headed there tmrw and there is currently a 70 degree difference between Texas and Park City.
  23. Our plan, if we do it, would be to leave LA straight for DVNP and drive around a bit and get to Mammoth in the evening. Would I normally do this? Hell no. I lived in LA for two years and never made it there (would go to Mammoth)....so is a tough day of driving worth it to check off this park is our question. It ain't ever happening if we don't do it on this trip (and I wouldn't be that sad if it never happens).
  24. We actually are doing that too so glad you agree on that stop....but since we are close by and staying at friends cabin in Mammoth for a few days, we started considering adding DVNP. Luckily this can be last second addition (or cancelation) due to fact that it would be a one day drive by with no hotel required. Is it worth crossing off one more national park? Hmmmmm
  25. Loving the Mala Sichuan addition. Hope the flavor isn't diluted by their growth.
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