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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. I probably go to Truth (htown) once every other week. Slightly more convenient for me than Pinkertons and I heart their corn pudding like no man should. Never been to Truth Brenham. Is bbq better in Brenham or same? I don't care about ambience so only talking taste.
  2. Sam kept us in many games because of consistently shitty 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter throws. I judge by whole game, not by who had solid 4th qtrs (which Sam definitely had). I'm definitely not a Sam hater, btw, just wouldn't even place him as a whole-game qb pick in top 50 or 75 of last 10 years. I still believe he is slightly above average. Like, life on line choice to make one throw, no way I would pick Sam in my top 5 each of last 4 years. Interviews and passion, sure.
  3. Agree. Sam was a very slightly above-average college QB. Take away his passion for burnt orange, he would have gotten grilled on this site so much. But that passion and photo as a kid created a story that made it difficult to think critically about him for many. He definitely had his moments, like all slightly above average quarterbacks do, but I say damn were there a lot of throws missed that should have been completed (even with our OL).
  4. What area are you in and how much did this cost? Love this.
  5. Definitely this. I will YouTube to watch to make sure I'm doing it sorta right. I don't feel bad at all that I've never changed oil in my life but I also don't want to haul it from my ranchito to Houston (and back). So I'm doing it myself and can't wait for black smoke to come out from the engine like a pope still hasn't been picked.
  6. Uhhhh, thanks?
  7. I'd say it's first among 1,276 equals.
  8. I have a 14x30 or so and love it. Agree with everything @ROFL BOX said. I insulated after a summer in Texas without insulation even though I had new window unit ac. Still sucked. High ceilings didn't help. insulation helped a ton. I added 1/4" plywood all through to 7 feet high, recommend that too because I hit the insulation way too much until I added that. Hell, I still hit the insulation above the 7 foot plywood on occasion with long lumber. I only have 2 outlets and it makes me sad. Get a portable heater. Build two work tables, long one for mitre saw.
  9. At 22, fresh out of UT, I was sent on a few trips to London and India for work. My bosses forced me to drink a bunch of high-end gins. I was used to guzzling low quality Long Island Ice Teas at the Buffalo Club at 1:55 am....yet still, I hated gin. Fast forward a couple trips and I became convinced you ain't a drinker if you don't like gin. It's the drinking man's drink.
  10. Ftr, I ain't a Pappasito's detractor even though I wrote apparent tex mex blasphemy---one that I will fall on a sword for btw. Their butter sauce + fajitas, tortilla soup, and queso are all legit and regulars for me. It's just that the salsa is marginally better than taco bell packets.
  11. Since you brought it up...pappasitos salsa is average at best. For premium prices, don't give me inferior salsa. And their chips always need salt.
  12. Buffs burger in Houston is good. But lately, been liking Mia's cheeseburger. Sorta has a high quality burger from a little league field (somehow, that's a compliment) taste to it. Buffs is a touch more natural and organic to me, which is and isn't always a good thing.
  13. Did you have a main switch to turn power off at sub panel to install? Or did you have to turn off main switch at main panel to make sure no electricity running to sub panel?
  14. Just got the Polaris Rzr greatest. Reading the maintenance schedule and says change oil after 10 hours of first use. Ummm, do yall follow recommendations on oil changes and such? Am I alone in thinking gtfo with changing oil after 10 hours of use or am I acting like my wife who won't change oil in car until something burns?
  15. I have eaten and pissed at Hruska's in Ellinger 1,453 times or so. Very decent cheeseburgers, btw, on top of quality kolaches. However, I have never tried Peter's BBQ just 2 businesses down. Anyone tried it?
  16. Well, I'll let you know what's up in mid to late March
  17. How big a property do you have? I only have 7.5 acres and am worried too small. There are country roads, I guess though.
  18. This is far smaller than what you're looking for but I just bought a Polaris rzr 170 side by side for two small daughters. I still have no clue if I made a good call but it's a couple weeks before I get it. I'm banking on fact that it's got ridiculous high resale value if they hate it or never use it.
  19. I had longhorn games as a priority from 1994-2019. Maybe missed 5 total games in that span. Herman coaching and Sam playing fullback didn't make me be anti-UT...but all of a sudden in 2020, I would go with my wife to my daughter's play dates and soccer games that I normally would get out of 11 or 12x a year because the family became a higher priority on fall Saturdays. All I ask is for Sark to let me ignore my family again for a few months. Make the world right again.
  20. I've been doing this exact recipe for probably 20 years. No egg though, so maybe not exact. So good.
  21. I live in area and place is now a staple in lunch rotation, maybe every 2 weeks. With that said, it's not fantastic. Just good. Also convenient with drive-thru. So no one should drive long distance for it. truth and pinkerton's much better but this is far more convenient and half the price. So value is there
  22. My dad used to make me shoot raw quail eggs. If memory serves, he would put worcestershire sauce and salt in it or something
  23. Yep. It was also mid afternoon so temps were increasing so who knows
  24. Live in Houston where half block are new homes and half 1950s originals. We all lost power for 36 hours. At 37th hour, almost simultaneously, my two neighbors in older homes had attic pipes burst. A slew of us lucky ones spent a couple hours helping them clean up the mess. Luckily, it was not whole house but they each lost a large rectangular portion of their ceiling and items under said ceiling. Now, they are looking for places to live for a few weeks.
  25. Sorry for dumb question but....do you find out oil switch is bad at regular tuneup or when you need it and it won't start? I'd imagine reliability is key spec on these things And how old is yours? Thanks
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