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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. I have lived in Austin, Houston, Los Angeles and NYC. Can say Austin is my favorite but Houston and LA have various things I liked about them more than Austin and can easily see why some would prefer Houston to Austin (for example, if you prioritize culture, museums, food, fine arts, and diversity over abs, legs and physical beauty from women, lakes and hills). Without a doubt for me though, I would put NYC in last place of the 4 and not even close. And people trying their hardest to justify weather differences between Houston and Austin sound desperate, like talking themselves into a boring boyfriend after they got cheated on. Do you need a/c or not or stfu. You're bragging about only needing a 17 Seer a/c running all summer long here in austin, not an 18 Seer like hot ass Houston. We get it man, Lamarr Houston fucked your wife in undergrad, let it go.
  2. I'd say closely aligned to "eat shit, freezer"
  3. Each time I've made steaks, I go buy them day or day before. But I'm lazier and more efficient as I age. On scale of "stay the f away" to "it doesn't change the taste whatsoever," where is Surly on freezing ribeyes and thawing out day of?
  4. I live close by, thought I would get fat from living so close due to my love of blizzards, and thankfully it's so bad that I've been to the La Grange DQ more than that one in the last year.
  5. Good point. I have a smoker, a Blackstone griddle, and a natural stone bbq pit for real flames but for some reason, I can't seem to get the motivation to get a sous vide. I go to the sous vide thread and constantly get jealous though.
  6. Yes, that must be it. Definitely not preference of temperature over juice, it's you and how wrong you are.
  7. Unpopular is I hate resting meat. Cut that shit and serve it warm to me as opposed to cool and "juicy."
  8. Did you pull trigger ahead of game and verify this works?
  9. Likewise. Super glad a treebeards is coming this way. Texadelphia could be good place to watch football if done right.
  10. loving some of the pics here and never had a griddle. Blackstone has a small portable grill with 352 sq inch grill. I value portability quite a bit so wondering if you experienced griddlers think I'd regret a smaller surface area like that.
  11. That new moon right now out there makes it great. I'm out there close by and last few days were great.
  12. Didn't think the difference would be enough if it just got a little wet?? Would be easy, if so.
  13. I thought of that but figured that's last resort cuz don't want to make already damaged drywall worse if there is better solution from someone smarter than I.
  14. So I have a small place in country that had serious leaks coming from large set of windows in living room. When it rained, water would come down walls...but only when windy and rainy. Rain alone didn't make it leak due to awning. Hired contractor to fix various issues that caused leak. Problem is I have no clue if what he did stopped leaks because I'm only there 5 days a month--and hasn't been raining enough when I'm there--to know for sure if what he did worked. It could be months before I'm there on a day it rains enough to actually test. So I'm hoping someone knows a simple product I can put down on edge of floors and/or window sills that definitively changes color when it gets water on it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  15. Definitely enjoyable
  16. Second zero zero zero as good watch.
  17. My brother was confirmed this Monday by cdc. Exposed 6 days before while on flight. Someone called him to come in since many on flight has tested positive, very coincidentally same day he got fever. Feeling normalish now after 5 days of 99-102 degrees. 45 years old, btw. Doctors told him it's been around for a while but no testing =no confirmation.
  18. New to apocalypses here so have newbie question. Why the rush to go buy water? Are people thinking shit will get so bad that tap water will be affected?
  19. Thanks for advice everyone. Update after lots of philosophical discussion and thought is that I'm under contract for a 7-acre spread with house in Fayetteville, TX and stocked fishing pond. Takes about 80 minutes to get from my Houston house. Yall hit home proximity and must-love factor, which this hits on. Interestingly enough, other stuff that resonated is leaving clothes so that you never really have to pack for that sort of shit and the fact that it isn't Airbnb. If I'm getting lice, I'm getting it from my 3.5 year old, not someone's pillow I'm using. At this moment, I have no plans to rent this out so we shall see how that plan goes. Inspection is next week so hoping all goes well or that we can negotiate away any risks that we find from that. Now, we look forward to slowly (and I mean $lowly) furnishing it. First project is building an awesome fire pit and looking forward to that.
  20. Yeah, this isn't a math equation. Otherwise, short term rentals always win out and that is super obvious. This is convenience and emotional, just like getting married. Marriage is illogical and stupid and I did that too and am pretty happy.
  21. Thanks all.....so would 2 weekends a month be too little and cause plumbing/water heater issues?
  22. I grew up having chickens but my grandmother was in charge and didn't make me do much so I can't remember...is there daily work involved or just every couple days?
  23. Yeah, our intention is key in all this. It is to have a place we can get away and hang as family with occasional friends and family. Secondarily, I'd like to not lose money. Making even a 5% return would be nice but not the goal. Great point on utilization and having partners. I've had a few friends in partnerships with lake houses but too far for me to want to get in on since drive time is key for me. Let me know if any of you aren't a dick and want to split a place in the Fayette county area!
  24. Thinking about getting vacation home in Smithville/winchester area. Nothing amazing, just something simple with 15-20 acres. I can afford like a 7.5, not a 10. Anyone have experiences that are good or bad with second homes to push me off the fence either way? For me, it's opportunity to have some country living with family (9 yr and 3 yr old) while owning some land to call my own. Live in Houston but future is either in austin or Houston which is why choosing this area, otherwise would choose hill country like Hunt. Cons are obviously ongoing costs and being stuck with something that could decrease in value. And maybe you get tired of going?
  25. Have this 12 foot live oak in front yard. Grown about 6 feet in last 3 years so figured healthy but now has some yellow and brown leaves. Builders placed about 4 feet from ditch. Any ideas or guidance?
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