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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. I have harmony and set up so it even worked on Playstation (had to spend a bit of money on extra device though) . Remote has lasted a lot of drops and held up well. I highly recommend.
  2. i don't know if HEB is open today. guess you have to drive and risk it.
  3. haha. that's what i want to avoid. i hear y'all telling me to not worry about men's piss and have to wonder whether you caused your daughter to be ok with getting a load all over them, as they remember the simple times when their dad yelled at them at the chevron station "it's just a strange dude's piss Jenny, sit down!!" TLDR: your daughter is now a skank and you made them that way. i want to do opposite of you.
  4. No amount of sanitizer would wash away my discomfort doing this. The ol sorry not sorry. #hover
  5. i used to think it wasn't piss. it's piss. convert.
  6. The dreaded day is here. My daughter is coming out of diapers so when her and I go somewhere, we have to use the men's restroom. Because I don't want her sitting on your pubes, even after wiping them off, did anyone use the portable potties? Did they work? Any other suggestions are welcome. No pics, sorry.
  7. Hornbeliever


    Weights and measures is great.
  8. a couple months old but went to Superica and we enjoyed everything we had. worth a visit.
  9. Ameros? Can you give me more detail please. If they're fully protected, that sounds amazing and I'd like to learn more.
  10. Dude, that is sooooo funny. Appreciate the help in the help forum.
  11. So people with $2 million in stocks have 8 separate accounts with some slight differentiation? Just getting a pulse of what people out there do.
  12. A friend has a few accounts at or around $300k, above the $250k threshold. At what point do y'all get yet another new account or just wing it and keep going to $500k or more?
  13. We bought a life fitness gx and really like it. My wife got the Peleton app and likes it a bunch. Worth it if you need that motivation. Ps we were getting Peleton bike and two different bike salesmen told us bikes not as high quality as app and to not get bike. Maybe these guys are haters or not incentivized but talked us out of it and we're good so far.
  14. Mala Sichuan for Chinese Kau ba on Dunlavy for Vietnamese Xochi for authentic Mexican
  15. Kau ba on Dunlavy is new and fantastic
  16. This was a very well done documentary. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
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