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Wax Beer Cup

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Everything posted by Wax Beer Cup

  1. I volunteered at a local poll in 2008 and 2012 and my ‘uniform’ was jeans and a polo shirt. Very official. These people are fucking nutjobs.
  2. Jesus Christ. I was a good son and didn’t mention one word about the election in my Sunday call with my mom. But I swear to god, one word from her about the ‘fraud’ Fox is uncovering and I’m disconnecting their cable box. WTF??
  3. Will they call it when he takes lead in PA? Probably wait for morning show hosts and more audience?
  4. He’s either up early today, or had a nice nappy after this presser that everyone quit broadcasting.
  5. Wyoming is nice in the summer. Hope she doesn’t choose AL or MS. 🤣
  6. My guess is Trump is just going to seed more doubt about legitimacy of election results, knowing the networks are probably hours away from calling this thing.
  7. We should start a gofundme alcohol fund for the GA dems. We're finally all getting a break from the swarm of tv ads, texts and emails and they're going to be blitzed 24/7 for the next 2 months.
  8. Not trying to be an ass, but do you watch any news source or are you relying on surly for all your updates? All your questions are easily answered. Just curious.
  9. Plus you can’t assume that all counted before the 17k update have been posted. They’re not doing live vote by vote count updates.
  10. Still more than 763k votes to count. 30% still out in Philly, 11% in Pittsburgh. Not sure where you’re getting your numbers.
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