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Wax Beer Cup

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Everything posted by Wax Beer Cup

  1. If Johnny next door has been threatening your mother for years and finally decided to murder her Wednesday, but happens to be having open heart surgery in two weeks, does your family just pass on pressing charges because there’s lots of other ‘stuff’ going on these days and he may not make it through anyway?
  2. M Crowd is MiCocina restaurants. Not to be all aggy, but boycotted their ass years ago when it came out they were big Trump donors. Miss their margaritas, but fuck ‘em.
  3. It was probably decided well before, but OU’s win helped put the final nail in Herman’s coffin, so win win. 🤘
  4. This little sedition party is going to quickly become a nothing burger as tonight’s results lead news coverage all day tomorrow, coupled with coverage of proud boys violence in the streets of DC (violence always makes best news coverage). Screw Cruz’s little tantrum party tomorrow.
  5. I just don’t see Cruz ever overcoming his awful personality nation wide. TX can seem to get past it for some reason. Most of us see right through Trump, but he clearly resonates with many. Not gonna happen for Teddy.
  6. While I didn’t feel the UM vibes the last few weeks, this thread ha been a great distraction to an otherwise shitty year, scaled back holidays, mostly boring bowl games, etc. At least I was able to add Chuy’s jalapeño ranch recipe to the fun. Damn, it feels like I posted that months ago! Guess I’m ready for Sark - so glad Mensa is history.
  7. Why the hell would they ever let Big 12 refs call a CFP game?
  8. Nana and Pappy can come to Jerry World, and apparently sit side by side with all the other Irish based on what I saw yesterday.
  9. Haven’t gone through this whole thread (had to take a politics break for a few weeks), but is GA going to actually count the mail votes for this election early or is this going to drag on for a week too?
  10. keep looking hippo.....
  11. CDC just trolling you McRib loving mf’ers now!
  12. Nice upgrade / color schemes. Maybe CDC/UM will hire you to get our end zones and unis fixed! 🤘
  13. Need to make one minor edit there buddy. 😀
  14. Is Brady calling the ASU game? They sure got him to Tempe fast.
  15. UM about to be on halftime show for FS1. He ain’t going nowhere tonight.
  16. Slip on some mayo?
  17. Mario’s about to lose to an 0-3 Cal team
  18. Jesus I hope some of y’all work in Marketing, because you’ve got some wild ass imaginations. UM ain’t flying all over the state to shake hands before taking the job. He’s not running for lieutenant governor.
  19. If he comes here he could get a crack head off the street to be his recruiting director and still land the top class in the country. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjRjPGCmLbtAhWNjlkKHTfqDGgQwqsBMAB6BAgFEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DD938mAav7Ek&usg=AOvVaw3UApIBXAYoUFmtCFU_p-Tq
  20. I’ve seen that across from Kroger. Doesn’t the sign say catering or something? Didn’t realize it was for single orders.
  21. Not sure if they’re just DFW area or statewide, but beef fajitas at La hacienda Ranch are some of the best I’ve ever had. Never eaten in the restaurant - looks kinda cheesy. But someone turned me on to those beef fajitas and they are fantastic. No idea how their other food is .
  22. Your real work begins late Saturday night/Sunday (hopefully). Rest up!!
  23. Can’t remember the brand I use (haven’t made in a while). But it’s off the shelf standard grocery brand green salsa. I would think anything decent would work. Never tried with fresh, but I’d think that would take it up a notch.
  24. Per requests: Chuy’s Jalapeño Ranch 1/4 bunch cilantro chopped 1/2 cup diced fresh jalapeños 1/2 cup tomatillo sauce 1/2 cup buttermilk (I use a bit more) 16 oz Mayo (I use a bit less) 2 pkgs dry buttermilk ranch mix (not regular dry ranch mix) 1-2 tsp garlic powder Mix all in food processor or blender and chill. Enjoy!
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