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Everything posted by dimyh

  1. I'm tempted to join the saboteur party, secretly assassinate Lavrov, but continue to make proclamations in his name based on the below chart. Wonder how long I go before anyone notices anything amiss...
  2. BREAKING NEWS - Confirmed biological weapon used! Possibly thought to be a false flag operation but verified to be 100% authentic.
  3. Not sure if this legit, sounds a bit too articulate and dismal for a Russian volunteer, but does give a lot of details about the defensive tactics used on the UA side. Covers a bunch of the initial attacks of the war and how his BTG ended up shredded.
  4. A lot of things you can classify as diarrhea of the mouth but this just straight diarrhea of the mind. Really this Ruskie dumbassery should be posted in the shart thread.
  5. Pretty impressive...the parking brake comes with 2 cup holders.
  6. Plus I suspect any sustained attacks on Russian clay = mass mobilization. That's something Putin could sell to his masses that this is now a defensive war.
  7. Interesting article trying to better understand the general pro-war support in the Russian citizens. Difficult to trust any type of surveys in such a repressive system but this one at least tries to add some nuance to the analysis. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/odr/russia-ukraine-war-support-interviews-opinion/
  8. Hope when this over they can rebuild Mariupol into a mini New York. Call it Novyy Mariupol "The city that never surrenders"
  9. Worried about how the fighting is going down in the east. Hopefully plays out like this epic pic.
  10. Fun movie to watch. Just imagine instead of diving for gold they are diving for nukes.
  11. If your orders are always followed and you give the order that Santiago was not to be touched then why would he be in grave danger?
  12. The real story on the daring air attacks on Belgorod.
  13. I don't speak the language but I think this guy is describing what a piece of shit tech used by Russia as part of their UAV drones. It's basically a DIY build.
  14. More "of the people" perspective, this time asking if they want the return to a Russian empire. Best answer is the guy around the 1 minute mark, "if it was so great no one would have revolted."
  15. Too much talk about Russian citizen bashing. Can't we get back to original purpose of thread - bashing ze Germans?
  16. Really good discussion with former ambassador McFaul about the lead up to the rise of Putin and the workings of his inner circle. Covers a lot of areas previously discussed on this thread but nice to have some personal perspective. Plus some insight on the negotiation angles. Only complaint is that they cut video short and don't get to hear all of the commentary.
  17. Really hope that any government mouthpieces are included as part of the war crimes. This intentional disinformation needs to be stopped. While not enforceable right now, maybe after a few years some of these assholes get careless and take a vacation in the west only to be scooped up and delivered straight to the Hague.
  18. Makes me so proud. https://twitter.com/OTolmachev/status/1512131101506031616?t=Grsux6xWTiYlUU7dhhjURg&s=19
  19. [My Inner Surl/] Because it's harder for the planes to hit? [/My Inner Surl]
  20. I nice video with background on the West vs East principles leading up to this. A few points I might disagree with but I'm not going to argue with Joe Pesci!
  21. Who could've guessed that this thread would hit 500 so quickly or that the Ukes would've destroyed nearly the same number of tanks in the same time frame.
  22. So link in spoiler speculates on the upcoming tactics for UA in the east. Can any of you more military experience address how plausible this might be? Basic idea is that UA will target Melitopol air force base to whittle down RU's air capabilities by using night time scouting missions. Do enough damage and RU infantry will be forced to move out of their defensive positions to engage UA's troops which is part of an even bigger trap with targeted artillery. Night operations is very plausible for UA forces. Will Russia have counters by now? Is location conducive for UA scouts to get in and out to safety every night? Will RUAF be able to operate out of other bases and counter UA positions out in the open?
  23. So it goes extremely fast then slows down to hit the target? Like an aerial version of this?
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