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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Viking

  1. I've been wondering where you've been as I don't remember seeing boat racing pics in awhile. Good luck with the race! How's the weather looking?
  2. “We recognize Oklahoma as the next frontier of tourism in the United States,” said Kristy Adams, senior executive vice president of sales and marketing for Mansion Entertainment Group, American Heartland and Three Ponies."
  3. This reminds me of one of my first jobs during the dotcom days. Excited to join and arrive on the first day. "Where's Brad?" "Oh, he left." "What about David? I interviewed with him also." "He's gone too." *ive-made-a-huge-mistake face*
  4. Yup and this is just the beginning. In the future we'll flood an area with a drone swarm that's AI controlled to provide complete visual coverage. Pilots will only be needed to press the fire button.
  5. Turns out that Service Reliability team did actual real work. Another round of finding out for Elon.
  6. Nick Gerli is full of shit and has been preaching about a housing collapse for years. Here's a response to Nick's "data":
  7. Yup. I've yet to see a trade scenario for the Suns involving Ayton that makes them better. It's always for a 1-3 which they don't need. What the Suns really need is for Ayton to stop being a bitch. He's perfect for them otherwise. When Durant first got there he was trying to get Ayton involved and feeding him in the paint and that combo looked potent. Just needed a lot more reps and for Ayton to finish.
  8. The new dinghy is an AB Navigo VS12. We already have a Suzuki 20hp with electric start so keeping that as it's been great. Dinghy + engine is 300 pounds but we've got an arch with 6:1 blocks to lift it which takes about a minute. It's nice. I feel for your monohullers having to remove and stow the engine and then the dinghy on deck.
  9. The weather in Virginia has finally warmed up so I'm here for 3 weeks to replace and repair a bunch of stuff. Replacing the rudder bearings, rebuilding 3 hatches, saildrive seals and anodes, wet exhaust and hose, manual bilge pump, bilge alarms, etc etc. Got a new dinghy as the old one required multiple pump ups every day. The boat bucks are flying out the door. Here's my office for 3 weeks.
  10. My favorite in the current rotation is an asian stir fry. Prep takes the longest but could be done a few days before when you have more time. You can use different proteins and veg; I usually do skirt steak (sliced thin) and carrots, onion, garlic, and tofu. Sauce is 1/2 cup soy, 1/4 cup dark soy, 1T brown sugar or honey, a bit of vinegar, and 1 T gochugaru. Served over rice or rice noodles.
  11. This popped up in one of the Bahamas sailing facebook groups. Monohull under sail ran aground somewhere in the Exumas. No idea how you fall asleep in the Exumas as you're usually just doing day hop sailing. We skipped this season but are itching to get back on the boat. Our boat is on the hard in Virginia and I'll go back for a month in April to knock out some boat projects and then return again Sep/Oct to put in the water and then head south. Can't fucking wait. 332478335_523837116558543_2853958310679456394_n.mp4
  12. Just disembarked from a 16 day South American and Antartica cruise on Princess. We're not cruisers but some friends were going and we like to party with them so why not? The first 2 days were a cluster fuck as the previous cruise didn't get to dock until 1pm which pushed our embarkation until late at night after waiting in a pretty barebones cruise terminal in Valparaiso, Chile. Felt bad for the old folks that were waiting for 10 hours in the terminal. Second day we went to another port just to refuel which took most of the day. After that it was great. Saw a shitload of whales, spent 3 days scenic cruising Antartica, then 1 day in the Falklands, 1 day in Montevideo, Uruguay, and finally departing today in Buenos Aires which we'll stay at until we fly back on Friday. Birders at the front of the ship. Took land rovers over hilly terrain for an hour to get to the penguins. I'm gonna be honest, the land rover ride was as cool as seeing penguins.
  13. Ditto flights.google.com. It's great if you have flexibility in dates and destinations.
  14. VICE news story on a group in Vancouver that finally got tired of the overdoses and government inaction. They give out heroin, coke, and meth that has been tested for Fentanyl. This will never happen here but it sounds like a good idea to me.
  15. This is just amazing. Southwest is too fucking cheap to buy every crew member an iphone that has a corp app that lets HQ know where they are at all times. Such an easy problem to solve. I worked on a POC for a hotel company that'd allow you to track your room service order as it moved through the hotel. "We want Uber for room service!" All of the tech was already there (great app, beacons in every hall of the hotel so you could unlock the room with your phone). It was just done at 1 hotel but they knew where a hamburger was better than SWA knows where a pilot is.
  16. Anyone else take Douglas Parker's Intro to Parageography aka the study of fantasy worlds? https://douglassparker.org/parageography-course One of my favorite courses and it satisfied a writing requirement of graduating. Not many people were aware of it as the class size was small, usually 20 per semester.
  17. I was a skeptic but have come around. For coding its great for simple bits but can't replace what most programmers actually do. I don't write 100 line apps but rather I write 100 lines of code in a 50k line codebase and do so without breaking any of the existing code. I doubt it'll ever be able to do that as it requires deep domain knowledge. Maybe it gets there but doesn't today. I've sent it some of my google searches and the results it produces are a lot better. Eg most recent was "How long do I cook a quiche?". Google wants to send me to a bunch of quiche recipe sites which are all SEO filled garbage. ChatGPT just gave me the answer.
  18. New home prices for starter homes are still crazy high to me. 3/2 2100 sqft in Mansfield going for just under 500k like this https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/Foundry_South-Pointe-Cottage-Series_1700-Burney-Street_Mansfield_TX_76063_P417000615818 Fucking Mansfield. Not Plano or Southlake or some rich suburb that is built out. I can afford these prices but I worry about my kids. They'll need to get married and both make 6 figures to afford a home.
  19. I'm sure he'd love to but yes it'll be impossible given the staff he's let go. Moving from monolith -> microservice or vice versa is an enormous undertaking.
  20. I wouldn't doubt Elon on this one. The move to microservices can be terrible if done wrong and it's so easy to get wrong. Eg a request to fetch timeline -> fetches 20 tweets -> fetches user info for each tweet one at a time -> fetches followers/followed for each user one at a time -> etc etc. All to render a few kb of data on a screen. Elon is religious about simplicity. He's gonna hate a microservices based tech stack.
  21. I had the same thought. These two: are going on the lam to south america with 1-2 billion USD worth of shitcoin to their names.
  22. I'm diggin Steve Kornaki. He looks like a dude that does competitive Excel tournaments.
  23. The remaining employees of Twitter are having a super fun time right now I'm sure. Every day they get a NEW PRIORITY! email at 5pm (including Sundays) with an expectation that they get it done by the next morning.
  24. Bad news for the lionfish is that they are delicious so they stand no chance against Florida Man. I'm no expert but I'm actually seeing less and less lionfish in the Bahamas now that the word has gotten out.
  25. I've been 100% US equities* for 20 years and see no reason to change. Basic thesis is that the USA is still the best combination of political stability, demographics, and environment for corporate growth/profits. Nothing else comes close imo. *: I cheated once and had an international fund for 6 months. That was a mistake.
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