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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Viking

  1. Love me some Simon Sinek because he's a tell for dipshit managers. If your company brings him in as the headline speaker for its yearly leadership conference then just sit back and enjoy knowing that you work with fuckwits.
  2. Gentlemen the world's hottest woman is back in the market. https://dnyuz.com/2022/09/28/mackenzie-scott-billionaire-philanthropist-files-for-divorce/
  3. We kept our boat in Punta Gorda, FL for the first 3 years and have several friends still there. So far the water has left the marina which is good for boats but if it comes back with a 10+ft surge then this place is going to be wrecked. Hopefully the surge isn't as big as predicted. There's usually a few hundred boats here (Burnt Store Marina).
  4. I thought the fading was another line of BS. They want the mithril for what they're making in the big tower forge.
  5. I'll second the recommendation for the west coast or panhandle if you just want a beach. To help you narrow it down my favorite vacation spot on the west coast is Sanibel Island. Everywhere else that I've been is way more built up with miles of 10+ story condos. If you don't mind over built spots I'm also a fan of Madeira Beach and try to be close to John's Pass so you can walk there in the evenings for food. Driving can be annoying and it's nice to just walk across the road and pick up dinner easily. I think we ate at the pizza joint there every other night.
  6. Our kids' pediatrician announced last week that she was moving her practice out of Texas. She works with a lot of add and adhd kids and also some trans kids. My wife's GP announced today that she's also moving her practice out of Texas because she can no longer provide care that she believes is best for her patients. She hasn't heard from her OB yet but I'm sure she's next. In GQP Texas women will need to get health care at church.
  7. 3M 5200 aka "Satan's Glue" Manta used 5200 everywhere on my boat so I have a special hatred for it. It's a great adhesive but over time a poor sealant so I never use it.
  8. That's Joe T Garcia's just straight up trolling surly. Nachos or Tostados? Stacked or not stacked?
  9. Manta 42. It's a cruising boat so not fast like an HH or Outremer or the like. We did get up to 12kts this year sailing up the lee of Eleuthera in 18-20kts of wind but that's a rarity. I plan for 6-7kts under sail when passage planning. Zimmerman Marine in Mathews. I heard nothing but good things about them (online and a lagoon owner that was there last year) and so far they've been great.
  10. Back to dirt life until next year. We hauled the boat last week in Virginia and spent three and a half days prepping for storage. Cleaning the inside, removing food, sails, lines, winterizing the water system and engines, dropping the dinghy, throwing away a shitload of crap, etc, etc. We're in a yard that caters to catamarans and they've got us stacked 3-4 deep. I've been off the boat for a week and I'm ready to go back. The wife feels the same... "Why are we in Texas again?"
  11. 120-150 should be awesome in a cat.. was it an issue with the headsail? I assume they don't have good sails and certainly not downwind sails on a charter boat so maybe that's it. Kinetics look nice. Like a gunboat but a bit more affordable? Have you looked at Balance catamarans? If I had the money a Balance is one of my actually obtainable dream boats.
  12. Almost all provisions from port. I try to fish but haven't had much luck having only caught 2 blackfin tuna and 1 mahi this season. Both of those we shared with friends (sushi for the blackfin.. so wonderful eating it just a few hours after it is caught) so they didn't last long. Otherwise we provision from whatever grocery store is nearby. In the Bahamas most of the grocery stores are fairly small but some of the larger islands (Spanish Wells, Marsh Harbor Abacos) have US sized grocery stores. Prior to going to the Bahamas we spend a few grand provisioning particularly for frozen meats and bulky items that are a lot more expensive in the Bahamas, eg chips, crackers, etc. Yeah it sucked but thankfully we didn't get struck by lightning so no harm done. Actually I was happy to have a great fresh water rinse on the boat. Less work for me to do when we haul out!
  13. His son has a separate channel https://youtube.com/c/JetBentLee where he's done lots of videos with his dad cooking. Usually the theme is he bring his dad a bag of fast food and he turns it into something gourmet. They're pretty entertaining as his dad evidently has never set foot in a single fast food restaurant and is generally disgusted with what his son brings him, ala "people like this shit?" https://youtu.be/RiTH2ekj5g8
  14. Heading up the Chesapeake to haul out tomorrow when a line of storms caught us. No where to run so we dropped anchor and waited it out. Saw max gusts of 45kt and lightning all around. Living the dream! VID_20220612_132404017.mp4
  15. He's ready to return to his crew!? Like maybe if he handcuffs himself to the bed at night sure. Crazy that he was found.
  16. Looks like one of these https://www.alphayachts.com/yachts so 100-120'?
  17. Monday: Thursday: We left the Bahamas on Tuesday and hauled ass (by Viking slow boat standards, not G650 rocket ship standards) up the gulf stream until we got to Charleston, SC. I find the color and clarity of this water to be unappealing.
  18. Blows my mind that someone could live through that. I always turn off the propane at the bottle when not in use since even the smallest leak could be deadly.
  19. You do when you steal all the packages from luxurywatches.com.
  20. Yup. Imagine having so much wealth that you can offer 50 billion to buy something and you don't need a single investment bank. "Eh, it's only 50 billion...."
  21. We spent the last 3 weeks in the Raggeds which is a remote part of the Bahamas that's just 100 miles north of Cuba. There's not much down here. No restaurants, no bars, no grocery stores, nada. Well except for the fishing which is .. amazing: Me and a friend have caught at least a hundred lobster the last 3 years and the guy 2nd from the right was way bigger than any previous one. Just a monster. The crew threatened mutiny due to too much lobster so I gave most of these and a bunch more away to other boaters. We've now turned north and are heading back up the islands and then back to the US. We've been here for 3 months and have just a month and a half left. Time flies way to fucking fast. Our last anchorage in the Raggeds at Water Cay: Heading northeast to Long Island:
  22. That's a badass boat. You don't need a starter boat as that is the perfect size to learn on. You just need the equivalent of a basic keelboat course which takes just a few days. The local authorities might say otherwise however but in the US no courses are required. Sailing is the easy part of sailboat ownership btw. The difficult parts are maintenance. Things like "why does the deck feel squishy when I walk on it" or "the keel bolts look really rusty".
  23. Aha you found it! Thanks for sharing and wow it's even more amazing than I thought.
  24. We've been in the southern Exumas and Raggeds (part of Bahamas that's remote and just 60mi north of Cuba) for the last month. The calm before the storm. This was a fun front to come through as it happened just after sunrise. The winds were calm and quiet and then suddenly the monohull's wind generator starts making a loud weezing sound is it spins up. One by one the boats spun around 120 degrees as the wind went from nada to 15-20kts. Here's a picture for your monohull lovers @G650 @Sbbruin @troph. We took a friends Leopard 48 out fishing and fuel and this machine was docked. I can't find anything about it online but it was ~60ft and looks fast as hell. The color doesn't come through in these photos but it was olive green that looked amazing. No crew around otherwise I'd have gotten myself onboard for more pics.
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