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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Viking

  1. I promise you there's few things more relaxing on the water than sailing along at 5-7kts in a 10-15kt wind. Just heaven. I almost never give up the helm seat on our boat because I can sit there for hours and hours just enjoying the ride.
  2. I had neighbor that did this plus told the listing agent that if his offer was accepted that he'd use the agent to sell his house. It worked.
  3. Been in the Bahamas for three months. Hopefully immigration extends our visas otherwise we'll be illegals for the next month or two. Our anchorage mate for the night:
  4. I would get into the habit of maintaining a real log book now. Probably not a whole lot to log doing small lake sailing (start and end time, wind speed and direction) so it seems silly but do it anyhow. I've just been using a notepad but next season I'm getting a dedicated log book.
  5. I've not been to Eleuthera yet (but will in a week or two) so no recs there. Exumas though are great. Shroud Cay in the Exuma Land and Sea Park is amazing. Anchor on the north end and take the dinghy up the mangrove creek to ocean side. You'll see turtles in the creek and end up on an amazing beach. Just a magical place. The south end of Shroud is also beautiful. Thunderball Grotto at Staniel Cay is also a can't miss.
  6. I'm just now seeing this thread and your question. When's your trip?
  7. Will this training get them to finally remember to include teriyaki sauce with my fucking chicken teriyaki?
  8. We like the Johns Pass area specifically a condo across the street on the gulf beach side. It's an easy walk to Johns Pass (vs having to drive) which has restaurants and shopping. The pizza joint there is pretty good.
  9. That's a shitty instructor. Hopefully that experience doesn't ruin it for your wife or kids. I've had 5 sailing instructors over the years and they've all been fantastic. Three were ASA instructors. My docking training on a 48 ft cat was the complete opposite of yours. The instructor let me have the helm and said not to worry he'd jump in if I did anything really stupid (ie expensive).
  10. The two monohullers have weighed in so now my turn. I love all sailboats and I'm the first one to hop into the cockpit and peep on every boat that enters the anchorage. "Ooo, that's a Ted Brewer... she's lovely!" However multihulls are the way to go. They are so much more comfortable at anchor and on passage. We've buddy boated with several monohulls and we feel guilty telling them how the trip went after we hear about their miserable experience. At anchor is even better. We were in Staniel Cay about 2 weeks ago when a blow came through with 35kt winds from the west (so no protection for the big anchorage). The anchorage cleared out 2 days before to hide between the Majors where the current is strong. There was a swell that rocked half the boats the day before and it was miserable for them. Two monos spun around each other and had their rode tangled. Another wrapped its rode around its keel. No one slept well since they were all crammed so tight. Except for the 3 cats that just took the brunt of the weather. We weren't protected but 3ft seas head-on just isn't a big deal and not at all unconformable. We all slept fine that night. My dream boats: Big FU money: Gunboat 68 Normal FU money: Balance 526 Realistic dream: an older Outremer 55 If you were to stick to Florida and Bahamas then there's a lot of great cats. We have friends with a Gemini that has an 18" draft and it's a Bahamas cruising machine. Sooo many badass places you can get to.
  11. I have fond memories of J&J's. I went to school near downtown Ft Worth and my dad would pick me up and we'd go there most days. He had a few Buds and I had catfish, frog legs, or gumbo. I love their weird hush puppies and their method of french fries is still my favorite today: fresh potato, sliced in the slicer 1 foot from the fryer, then into the fryer. So simple.
  12. Florida is great cruising but for another 100 miles away you have epic cruising grounds in the Bahamas. A 50 Hatty there would be epic. Load it up with water toys. Only caveat is that Jan and most of Feb is kind of shitty with all of the cold fronts. March and beyond are glorious.
  13. We got there Sunday night so we missed seeing you. One more Miami special was listening to the drunk captains yelling at each other on 16 as they went home after sunset. Next night there was a collision between two boats 3/4 of a mile up wind of us. There were 2 helos and 8-10 boats (coast guard, fl fire and rescue, police) searching the area. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSCG/bulletins/2b42995
  14. We got back on the boat two months ago. Spent 6 weeks putting her back together and fixing things (new autopilot computer, gps, engines overheating, ...) and then left for the Keys. Spent a few days each in the Everglades, Marathon, Islamorada, and now in Miami. Miami is crazyville for boats. We rolled into our anchorage a few hours before sunset and there was at least 100 power boats from 20 feet up to 150 foot all partying. They left after sunset and we've now got the place mostly to our selves.
  15. Yes, do it. That size sailboat is great for getting out on the water. I took lessons on a J/24 and Colgate 26 and they were so much fun.
  16. Same day or 24 hour test results are possible. I'm hoping to travel to the Bahamas next month and they require a negative test result 5 days or less before arrival. There are a few labs that offer 24 hour results in Miami/Ft Lauderdale. The difference is that those labs are doing the test in-house vs CVS/Walgreens send them off to be tested elsewhere.
  17. I didn't dig up the patents so I'm not 100% certain but I believe I remember seeing one was for a much more efficient filter that allowed the water to be turned over a lot less frequently than a normal pool. These things are huge and turning them over at a normal pool rate (2-4 times a day) would require massive pumps, filters, and electricity.
  18. There's a housing development in a north dallas suburb (The Lagoon at Windsong Ranch) that has one of these. Same company builds all of them as they have a few patents on the design. Looks kinda cool but I wonder about the long term maintenance required particularly when the pond liner needs to be replaced.
  19. Here's a new youtube channel featuring Miami Boat Ramp fails that some of your surly assholes might enjoy.
  20. Lonely but safe and sound. We've not been on the boat in 6 months however we're finally going back in 2 weeks.
  21. The stock exhaust elbows on these small diesels are such shit. Custom is the way to go and your's looks great.
  22. My parents spoil the shit out of their grandkids so we have about 30+ nerf guns as a result. They've got everything from the tiny single shooters up to the dual 25 mag dual barrel machine gun. I'm not a fan of the guns with clips as once you've blown your load you're a dead man. My favorite is the Double Down as it is fast to reload, cock, and fire:
  23. I watched GoebbelsHannity for 5 minutes and it's exactly what you'd expect. Not one bad thing about Trump or the debate in general.
  24. No wind?
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