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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Viking

  1. Google didn't copy the implementation. If I recall they specifically did a clean room implementation. Here's a simple example from java itself. The java.sql package is an API: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/index.html?java/sql/package-summary.html Database vendors implement this API so java apps can use their databases. Here is PostgreSQL's implementation https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/publicapi/index.html Is PostgreSQL infringing the copyright of this API? Can Oracle (also a database vendor) sue PostgreSQL for copyright infringement? What PostgresSQL did is the exact thing that Google did, only Google implemented a much larger API.
  2. Fuck Oracle. Google is in the right. Some APIs don't even provide an implementation and it's up to 3rd parties to provide one by design. If I write an implementation for such an API am I infringing the copyright? I would love to know what percentage of an API I need to copy for me to infringe the copyright. Is it 1 method? All methods? Somewhere in between?
  3. We have friends that lost their sailing cat (sister boat to ours) in that storm. My heart breaks for them knowing that they've put a couple of years into building towards a dream and it's gone just like that.
  4. Rosa's Cafe replaced TC in my rotation years ago.
  5. This reminded me of the last time I went to gamestop when the first WoW expansion came out. "Did you preorder?" "Nope!" "We only have copies for those who preordered." I went to bestbuy down the road and they had a pallet of expansions 15 feet past the entrance. How does a company that sells washing machines do a better job of serving gamers than a game store?
  6. Damn you weren't kidding about the size of that wiring job. That looks niiice. BOATT: break out another ten thousand
  7. That forecast can get fucked.
  8. Frontline released "Once Upon a Time in Iraq" last week which tells the story of the war by Iraqis that lived it. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/once-upon-a-time-in-iraq Fuck Bush.
  9. No, not wrong at all. Fuck that guy.
  10. That looks nice. How often do you polish the stainless? I think we do it about twice a year and pretty quick at that.. there's just so fucking much of it.
  11. That sucks. Will you be able to sail back with the 2nd reef in?
  12. I saw the news that Catalina was open for bidness and thought of you instantly hauling ass tothe marina and prepping the boat to go.
  13. Manheim shares some high level car sales data at https://publish.manheim.com/en/services/consulting/used-vehicle-value-index.html. "Wholesale used vehicle prices (on a mix-, mileage-, and seasonally adjusted basis) decreased 11.41% month-over-month in April."
  14. I let the wife pick the boat to improve my cruising odds. She went to Florida to meet a broker and got on a handful of cats in our price & size range and she eliminated most of them pretty quickly. It's a Manta 42 with Volvo Penta MD2030Ds. The dinghy stays on the davits during passages. There are four lines that hold it into place: 2 on 6:1 blocks hold it up and 2 on 2:1 blocks that hold it tight to the back. This is one of the things that we love about our boat (and cats in general) is that it's super easy to get the dinghy up so we do so every night at anchor. It takes just a couple of minutes to hoist it.
  15. Nice boat. When we're done with cruising I'd love something this size just to be able to get out on the water somewhat easily. After we got back to Florida we cleaned the boat (unlimited freshwater... a luxury!), mostly hurricane prepped it, and are now back in Texas for a few months. After a week away my wife and I are both jonesing to get back out on the water. She even had a dream last night about dropping the mainsail and it flaking perfectly. 🤣
  16. How do you shut in an oil well? I know nothing about o&g and my searches for an answer turn up a bunch of stuff about royalty payments and shutting down while drilling.
  17. We dropped the hook west of Boot Key where a dozen other boats were anchored. Funny you mention hoving to because the next night we tried to figure out how to do just that. We were heading directly into a 12kt wind in Florida Bay. Night came and we could no longer motor since there's a god damn fucking ass ton of crab pots in SW Florida. We'd tried a few things to stop our motion without success and finaly just deployed the jib and slowly sailed perpendicular to the wind until it shifted. I need to figure out how to hove to in a cat.
  18. We left Samana, DR to head back to Florida on Monday. The Bahamas is closed to transiting boats so legally our route had to be around the Bahamas on the north or south side. I was tempted to cut through the middle and take my chances (its huge with limited naval resources, so 99% chance I'd go undetected) but eventually decided on the south route. Trip was 6 days, 900 miles from DR to Marathon where we rested 1 night and then another 150 up to Charlotte Harbor FL. No idea what are options are for next year. I worry that even if countries are open what the reception will be like. Our current thoughts are that if the Bahamas is open by November that we'll head there for next season and spend 6 months there and then maybe 6 months in the US and Canada northeast (Nova Scotia, Maine, Chesapeake, etc)
  19. I just fueled up in Marathon and heard that other marinas along the keys are open. The dockhands are being cautious: they spray the fuel handle with disinfectant and tell you to stay on your boat.
  20. Yup. Just about everywhere is closed to foreign boaters. We've heard some nightmares: eg people crossing the Pacific being denied entry. You can't blame the Islanders: if they don't have Corona then why take the risk? Even islands that you should have rights to enter are finding ways to deny entry. We have friends, US citizens, that are harassed in Puerto Rico. They were allowed entry (since that is controlled by US Border Patrol) but the governor of PR closed all marinas and the cops harass you when you anchor. They finally had to move to the USVIs. One of the few places that is still open and accommodating to cruisers that have no other options. We're personally looking to get off the boat until the Bahamas opens up... Hopefully in November.
  21. if you're wanting stimulus then there's no better group to give money to than a boat owner. Give me 100k and I'll put riggers, electricians, mechanics, fiberglassers, painters, etc, etc to work instantly. I'm still in Samana planning how to get back to mainland US by boat in the next month or two. 5 or 6 boats left here a day ago heading to PR with plans on Grenada. That was our plan but it just seems too hopeful and risky. I don't see ports opening up to outsiders for awhile. Hope I'm wrong and shit gets better.
  22. That's all been priced in. Now it's a growth stock.
  23. Ayup. My wife is from rural Kansas and her family has suffered from the really shitty doctors there. She's learned that the best doctor in town is the vet and if you want good care you need to go to Dallas.
  24. God damn I hate you. That looks so fucking good. <-- 1000 miles from the nearest whataburger
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