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Everything posted by dmtx

  1. Finally made it to Panther City BBQ. the place is legit. All i got was brisket, brisket tacos, and the cracked pepper sausage. they were out of everything else. Brisket reminded me of Mueller. Lots of black pepper, could've used more salt. But smoked very well, fat was fully rendered. i don't know if they are making their own sausage, but it was my style. Coarse grind, great snappy casing.
  2. Watching this debacle gives me no interest in watching tiger and phil fucking around on a golf course. I'm out on that steaming pile of shit.
  3. I really like the look of the bricks on Camp Bowie, but the continuous maintenance is a pain in the ass. I would be fine doing away with it if they switched over to the brick colored concrete and had brick patterned stamping. You know, where they throw the powder over it like they can do with patios. I just don't know anything about the lasting quality and aesthetics.
  4. well... welcome back to running OX. take it slow. I did a 5k this past weekend. wasn't a pr, but ended up 5th overall and 1st Masters. its nice when the fast-fast over 40 crowd is low. the course was short by .07 miles for a 21:31, 7:06 pace. I was trying to go sub 7 for all miles, but my legs wanted no part of it. The heat and crazy humidity definitely didn't help.
  5. Anyone been/heard about Daynes craft bbq? I've missed every pop up event for one reason or another.
  6. Went to Tricky Fish. the chips and fish was really good. server said it was cod. i expected it to come in planks like long john silver. it was a big fried filet.
  7. yeah... that was nuts. 2nd and 3rd was way back. If you can fit the cowtown half into your training some day, it's worth it. do the Cowtown 5k or 10 the day before the half/full/ultra, you get a third medal (Cowtown Challenge). I plan on doing the Fort Worth Half Marathon on Nov 11th. the half goes from panther island, down the trinity trail then back. i'm hoping it wont seem so boring since i run that portion of the trail regularly.
  8. JIVE - not be downer on the Cowtown, but it's really not that exciting. I think it's operated really well, lots of fuel/water stops. parking is free and close to the start/finish. The first 10ish miles is great. Lots of runners all the way through downtown, but at Lancaster, the half-marathon turns back towards Will Rogers. marathon will work their way through fairmont and tcu, you still have decent crowd support, but the runners really thin out, at least around me. You do have a long climb around mile 8. from the stockyards to the courthouse.
  9. Evergreen is great. 2000 ft higher than denver. actually feels like ur in Colorado. saw a herd of elk stroll through my bro in laws yard. dont know much about Conifer except some friends like it
  10. check coolant level in reservoir. we had to replace both tee fittings on a yukon which had a slow leak.
  11. Park Central Hotel? 1010 Houston St.
  12. was there a mexican restaurant attached to it as well?
  13. I will check that out soon. Did read shake shack is coming to cowtown. part of the new development in the stockyards.
  14. exactly. I love where i live, near roy pope grocery, but 12 year ago i tried to convince my wife to buy in fairmount. I traveled a fair amount at the time, but the spouse unit wasnt keen on it even though she could see the change coming.
  15. ho lee shit. I was looking at realtor.com. they have new builds going from 140k to 190k. i still couldnt live there with the current neighborhood.
  16. hrm - the bobsled is badass. i got a little nauseous watching. seeing ur speed on strava, i'm just blown away. ua - my sis in law got her first bq at mercy health glass city marathon in toledo. its a late april race. weather was perfect. I'm trying convice myself to do the Fort Worth Marathon in November or White Rock (Dallas) in December. I will at least do the half marathon at the Fort Worth Marathon. I really need to push myself in the swim and get a 70.3 triathlon done in 2019. i really slacked in the tri dept this year.
  17. this thread feels like deja vu... check out goodr
  18. I doubt i'll ever visit. I never go to subway a few block down and I rarely go to gallagaskins. But I will hit up great outdoors about once a month.
  19. I love my four 10s mon-thurs. my work is 15 mins from the house. I can work out in the morning, get to work by 730a, home by 630p. the only way i go to five days, is if I can go in early, 6a or 630a. I'm in early riser. I want to get the day over.
  20. did you go today? did you get a pork chop? I still haven't tried a pork chop.
  21. A friend of mine who starts residency next year, said he wants to buy a place in como near bryant irvin, to live. he said its an upcoming area. I told him, you may not finish residency. I told him, you and your fiance will both make $50k a year in residency, look at river oaks and burton hill.
  22. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    we just got back from Port A. when we first drove by beach and station st grill, we thought it was closed, it definitely looks in worse shape. We did go to the phoenix, did not have sushi but contributed to the Dave fund. the crab cakes are phenomenal. i was disappointed at liberty hall, phenomenal meal, but i learned he no longer makes the french silk pie from pelican club. In the 14 years we've been going, never ate a mexican dinner in port a. the kids wanted mexican food, so I said, we have to try la playa. that place is legit! my big takeaway, I have never seen so many campers on the beach. tons of tents and travel trailers all the way to Cinnamon Shores. One site had four travel trailers. we were parking anywhere form marker 27 to 31, and we were on the beach before 9am each morning.
  23. hahaha! that is awesome! I was no where near that intersection on sunday.
  24. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    Cancun taqueria off 361. same shopping center with Coffee Waves
  25. Maine is sooo awesome. Lobster Shack at Two Lights Duckfat for lunch Holy Donut for some brek Eventide Oyster Co
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