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Everything posted by dmtx

  1. you're talking about doing the mayor's tri - the swim lanes are narrow, very difficult to pass. water is shallow, so if you get hung up you can walk while waiting to pass. don't try to learn a flying mount/dismount for the bike. run course goes north on taylor st, towards the trinity trails, you will will run down the big long hill, then you get to run up the big long hill. I don't know if they will allow you a 5 gal bucket to keep in the transition area. I cant remember if family and friends are allowed in the transition area, usually competitors only. i would suggest getting on youtube for transition set up and tips. you keep a space about the size of a golf towel for all your gear next to where your bike is located. put on and fasten your helmet first when in t1. take it off after you hang your bike when you return. study the transition area map. run in after swim, bike out/bike in, run out.
  2. same here... I went running this morning and ventured down foch. I saw the construction and said WTF, saw the sign for Texas Republic and said WTF is this. btw... my buddy claims the queso at Mesero is the best ever. I didn't order when I visited. Anyone tried it? I guess I'm going back very soon.
  3. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    That sucks to hear. I remember him dealing with carpal tunnel. Godspeed on the recovery Dave.
  4. buy from runningwarehouse.com use code runblog10
  5. I've got Maui JIm's that are my faves. For the past six months I've been wearing goodr for running, but lately I wear these everyday. They are holding up very well. https://www.playgoodr.com/
  6. For the Yukon I went with Continental CrossContac LX20. I'm on my second set. quiet. long lasting. handles great in wet conditions. best bang for the buck I found.
  7. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    I read something about castaways moving into the phoenix spot, any truth to that? if so, the next question is, where is sushi dave?
  8. Went to Mesero in clearfork. Big props to the queso fundido, chihuahua cheese enchiladas, and their puerco pasilla cocido.
  9. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    Our only use for Castaways was for boiled shrimp. the per pound price was the lowest I could find. Glad to hear Cancun is open, figured they would be ok considering their location. I'll be down next month. I booked a few months back, found a good deal on airbnb, prices are definitely higher than last year.
  10. I'm missing Utah, Nebraska, and Alaska. I did catch a connecting flight in Puerto Rico, on my way to the US Virgin Islands. Maine is a must. Portland and Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor are amazing places.
  11. the pencil artist is nuts, that is remarkable. fobots was cool, with her wizard of oz piece especially. i liked the glassweaver too. we let our kids spend $20-$30 each year. this year the daughter got a print of the colorful butterflies. son went with the graphite drawing of an owl. both of those artist were in Sundance sq.
  12. Damn that was impressive in both, male and female. Desi said she almost bailed out early in the race and the japanese dude closed 90 seconds with a 5k to go. i may have to hold out till i'm 60 or 65 before becoming a BQ, if the body holds up.
  13. at glance, i thought it said Majestic Nails, salon
  14. it's better to go next door to cook children's. especially for dinner options.
  15. I'm eyeing a 13.1 in May. we shall see how training goes.
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