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Everything posted by dmtx

  1. About a week ago on fb, he announced being open everyday - 11a til sold out
  2. I thought Hurtado's announced they were open seven days a week
  3. There's an alley covered in bubble gum. It's actually pretty cool. And there's a great donut shop near the univ.
  4. Brix Barbecue in Fort Worth just started serving on Fridays. This is the Tour de Brix - ½ brisket, ½ ribs, sausage link, two beef cheek tacos, burnt ends, and two sides. The Fort is killin the bbq game
  5. I've been wanting to try Brix for years, from when I heard about his pop ups and time at that dining hall concept. I tend to get tied up on the weekends, but fridays are easy for me. He definitely has a very strong argument for the best in the area. Elote was good but not great. Grits are very cheesy. Goldees grits still my tops.
  6. Brix Barbecue is now open on fridays. Beef cheek tacos for the win. The Tour de Brix platter is a perfect combo.
  7. You could hit up the Whole Foods at Waterside. Huge outdoor area to chill and screw around. Rosa's Cafe is also an option
  8. Daynes was the only joint open in the Fort on Friday. As usual, it did not disappoint.
  9. maybe more testing???? Tarrant County Public Health reported Wednesday there are currently 1,118 people hospitalized with COVID-19. There were 1,149 hospitalizations the previous day. This is the sixth time in the last seven days hospitalizations have decreased in Tarrant County. Number of cases the last 14 days 1/20 to 2/2 2111 5034 3945 4306 2489 2595 1990 2124 1914 2175 1125 2040 1531 1718
  10. My friends are all across the board.... vaxxed, vaxxed and boosted, unvaxxed with some having covid in the first surge and omicron... but I don't know anyone thats been hospitalized with omicron my hope is, to figure out why these no comorbidity patients are getting very ill.
  11. Never did buy that generator, but wasnt considering it. We go through the same shit again. it will be on my radar. When I lived a few blocks from Westover Hills, never had any issues. I moved further west, ICEMAGEDDON, and went without for two days. I had to sleep at the hosp.
  12. In regards to lockdowns.. from Johns Hopkins https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/jan/31/lockdowns-had-little-or-no-impact-covid-19-deaths-/
  13. I've got a 20x30 insulated, look is similar to yours. I currently have an 8x12 Texas flag and a canvas mural covering some wall space. What is your wall material? Plywood? Drywall over wood frame?
  14. This.... could be positive news South Africa Hospitalization Rate Plunges in Omicron Wave (msn.com)
  15. I met Aaron at Pecan Lodge while he was shooting his PBS series. He rolled up to the bar next to me to get a beer, at that point I figured I'd strike up a small conversation. He knew Shaggy well. I mentioned that shagsters were commenting when they were in line, he joked and said, I should get on there and say I'm back here on the pits. That would've been awesome if named something for the shags.
  16. I read this earlier today, I'm hoping this is what pans out Michael Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota BERGEN: Do we know how deadly the Omicron variant is compared to previous variants? OSTERHOLM: While it's early, I believe that Omicron is less virulent than Delta. The variant is being studied in South Africa, which is important because the virus has been in that country longer than others. And we do know that hospitalizations, serious illness and deaths are lagging indicators. Rates often rise two to three weeks after rises in case numbers start to occur. But as of today, the epidemiologic and clinical data on Omicron cases around the world support this virus is less lethal than Delta. When I look at these major Covid case clusters that are occurring right now, the outbreaks in Norway, Denmark, and in the UK, it's been quite remarkable to see how many of these large numbers of cases involve fully vaccinated people, and how often these have resulted in very mild illnesses.
  17. Which one of you bastards threw a bash at the zoo, my invite must have been lost. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/neighbors-annoyed-by-private-birthday-bash-at-fort-worth-zoo-featuring-eddie-vedder-the-chainsmokers/2817464/
  18. On Friday, a friend was in line by 8am. He was like 10th in line. He said the line was to the street by 930ish
  19. For Dinner - only real options are Heim on Magnolia Ave or the old school Angelo's (avg cue) off White Settlement Rd. Avoid Railhead.
  20. Online for Goldee's is shut down at the moment. Someone the other day got in line by 9am and had brisket by 1p
  21. I always did one smothered and one fried. Sad times.
  22. If I wasn't watching a dog with a big ass cone around its head, I would have gone and arrived before 9. They announced around 10am they were sold out. I also read a dude was line by 9:15, had food by 12:15.
  23. Goldee's did a Franklin. Went down the line and surveyed the line. Announced they are sold out
  24. RIP Fred's.... I just saw, the first person in line at Goldee's, showed up at 5am.
  25. HAHAHA! grab some chairs and arrive by 6am. I hope they hire cops to run traffic control. There's going to be lots of cars parked on the road.
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