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Everything posted by dmtx

  1. I don't know if he used beef tallow previously, and I cant imagine them still being worth it. But hey, I've got a co-worker living whitney, so we shall see.
  2. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    So it was to reduce tourists from spreading the virus around in town?
  3. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    Can someone ask the county judge and mayor, If mass protests didnt spread the covid, why cant I drive onto the beach? Just sayin
  4. I didnt see anyone in the cafe, but it is physically still there. I heard they had a good hamburger. whatever thats worth.
  5. I doubt this is the Michael Wyont Flores BBQ. Lambert had a guy working with Wyont at the clearfork location. When Wyont left, this dude, I assume, was supposed to take over the trailer. Has anyone had Amy's original hot sauce? She sets up a trailer over at davids stove shop in willow park. I gotta give it some serious props. I went through a jar in one day.
  6. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    Our plans are currently up in the air... we still plan to come down mid next week. It's only the four of us,b But if they extend this mandate, I don't know what to do. Our plan was to bring enough food, but also order take out.
  7. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    The CO2 thing seems pretty ridiculous, unless maybe you have COPD. I know many ER and ICU nurses wearing a N95 mask for just about their entire 12 hour shift.
  8. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    you answered it. just wondering if it was any more crowded than any other weekend in the summer.
  9. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    What's Port A like during Deep Sea Roundup? In the last 15 years, i don't think I've ever been during the event. We're just beaching it for the most part, but doing a little bay fishing on the thursday morning before the round up. I have justhookit's rec'd guide lined up. Does La Playa even do take out?
  10. He said you can order through one of the app services and arrange for pick up. I love little lilly's when he was running the sushi.
  11. I haven't missed too much running. I actually ran a one man 5k the other morning. Mileage is steady 23-30 miles/week. I havent done any 10+ miles.
  12. dmtx

    Port Aransas

    Well damn. Pelican Club/Liberty Hall were always in my rotation. I still miss the french silk pie from the pelican club days. Every visit, before I even ordered I would always ask if they had plenty.
  13. If you do the FB, Fort Worth Foodies has a lot of information. We did Reata on Saturday. I got their marg kit. I know blue goose and rio mambo has margs as well. Enchiladas Ole says they do, but they didnt have them when I went. Tip - order early. I ordered at 2pm for a 615pm pick up, it was ready at 640pm. 20+ people had ordered for immediate pick up, and they were waiting 45-60mins after their pick up time.
  14. Went in there yesterday, the dude behind the butcher counter said a few people have inquired about buying it but they need to completely redo the butcher/deli/kitchen which won't be cheap. I live around the corner from Roy Pope. They've been trying unload the place for a couple of years. They tried getting it rezoned. Someone was wanting to put up some type of building, office space, IDK. Apparently several neighbors fought it off.
  15. Its a ghost town in there. I've been twice, it was depressingly quiet. Half the stuff is way overpriced. The Hookers hamburger was tiny, overpriced. Two place I want to hit up at the moment - Enchilada Ole, the one saturday I had time, they were closed because they lost power to half the building. Birdiebop, they set up shop in the moon bar.
  16. I was reading through nextdoor this morning - doubt it would really be a 5-star but still Montgomery Street development Talking with commercial realtor about land costs in our area. He said that his client was closing on the Dairy Queen and the land behind it plus the two other buildings. Plans to build 5 star hotel at that location. My guess is hotel near Montgomery and multi- story garage towards Owasso. Also know about another 5 lots being sold to build town homes.
  17. I saw that, with the official opening on thurs. How packed is that place going to be this weekend?!
  18. Them and Dayne's are my top 2 in FW.
  19. I've heard great things from friends. I just dont have time on the weekends.
  20. How are you feeling after running nine at the sub seven pace? If fairly labored breathing, I might recommend slowing the pace a bit and lengthen the long run. Build up the cardio foundation. In recent half marathon training my long runs were up to 15 miles at 30-45 seconds slower than race pace. It will be interesting to see what you can do. My late 40s ass isnt as fast you, I can't even do a 10k at that pace. But I'm working on it.
  21. Marathon training for me isnt so shitty. This was the first time I consistently ran 5 days a week, sometimes 6 days. My mileaged peaked around 50-57 miles in a week. I'd have to look, but I probably went over 50 miles, five or six times. two days during the week i had smooth easy runs, other two days were threshold/intervals, which I enjoy. The weekend was for the long run. Three hour runs dont really bother me. I dont listen to music on long runs, I just focus on my pace, surroundings, assessing my body. It distracts me enough to get through it. When the long runs peaked, in alternating weeks I had 18-21-18-21-18-21 in the plan. If your taper goes well for the half, depending on weather and course conditions, you should be sub 1:30. I've never done a fall marathon. I did do Dallas (early December). Training can suck. Too many long runs can happen in hot and humid conditions, the long run pace suffers.
  22. I did the Full. I PR'd with a 3:54. Was hoping to go lower, I knew there would be hills, but underestimated the number of hills and their inclines. The heat and humidity just killed me at the end. I was 1:52 at 13.1. I'm thinking Houston 2021 for my next one. @Your Mom thats helluva time on that course. congrats to your son.
  23. I drove all the way up to Argyle last week to check out 407BBQ. Place is way overrated unless I went on an off day. The lean was dry as cardboard. The fatty was actually good. The ribs were overcooked as well. They do have a tasty rub, so it would have probably been above avg if it was cooked properly. Sausage is a fine grind, meh. Fried brussel sprouts and potato salad were winners. The next time I drive up to this area I'll check out Smiley's Craft BBQ once they get up and running.
  24. Damn. And I'm just enjoying myself over at game on.... kid shit going on.
  25. I read something about Campo Smokehouse was closing up for winter..... we shall see if they return
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