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Everything posted by XR4ticlone
Hardly... That you cannot differentiate between freely giving vs forced confiscation...probably explains your broken world view.
Making people victims and dependents isn't helping them. Also, I don't give points for 'helping' people with OPM. Don't tell me how generous you are with OPM....tell me how generous you are with YOUR money. The idea that states fixes any problems...it doesn't. Obamacare didn't help poor people get HC...they got forced insurance coverage that wasn't usable due to massive deductibles or no doctors willing to take their coverage. Giving drug addicts places to do drugs isn't helping them. People want to feel useful...paying them to sit home and watch tv isn't helping them. Enabling their drug & alcohol abuse isn't helping them. Enabling them to abandon their kids and responsibilities isn't helping them. It doesn't work with poor people...it doesn't work with rich people's kids. It just doesn't work.
I doubt it'll ever be a problem....Satan's a die hard leftist.
No...I wanted to toss him right to the end of the convention. Was pissed when it didn't happen. Wanted to beat John Kasich's ass for staying in...ensuring Cruz had no shot. I do like him in a lot of regards. I love how he's standing up to the left's insanity. He's exposed the MSM more effectively than anyone before him...he's also exposing a lot of corruption in DC. It's pretty clear now the FBI & DOJ were jokes...endless leaking to the press to drive their agenda. Clearly they were spying on US citizens & had bias in their investigations. It's good that we finally have a President pushing for US interests. We've given away the farm for far too long. We borrow money from China to give away...think about that. I'm a Christian. I'm also a sinner...like everyone else. I'm saved through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ...and that alone. I'm also an American. I think people have freedom to make their own choices...and also to suffer the consequences. As a Christian, I believe that homosexuality is sin. As an American I believe it's their choice. And as much as the left seems to think that there is this Christian theology...I don't see it. And if I'm going to withhold voting or support because the President isn't morally pure...then I've just surrendered the country. I don't think that's a valid choice...and I won't be bullied into it by leftists.
I wouldn't say that...but regardless of all of Trump's personal shortcomings...what are we supposed to do? Sit quietly for the next 3 years? Trump's doing a lot of positive things...we can't support that because he's a man whore? Don't really care. Not going to throw away the next three years to undo all of Obama's fuckups.
Probably because they're sick of being lied to by the right & attacked by the left. He wasn't anywhere near my top 5. In the end it wasn't much of a choice vs Hillary.
Sorry I'm late to the party...cross burning's ran long again tonight. No matter how many times you remind them, these new ass holes never bring enough gas. Anyway...yea, when given the choice of the second coming of Mother Teresa in Hillary Clinton...we all chose the devil himself. I think that was her biggest problem was spending so much time at church and feeding the hungry...not out campaigning. I know the Haitians can't stop talking about the Clinton's generosity...until they suicide themselves. So I see where you're coming from...the morality divide between our two choices was so stark...how could any Christian pick Trump?
NYAG Eric Schneiderman accused by four women of physical abuse.
XR4ticlone replied to Hugo Stiglitz's topic in Cloak Room
Well probably because they know that the women they're abusing won't say shit due to fear or their power...or in the case of most of these people lately, the fear of what it would due to the leftist cause. Schneiderman was poised to play a role in the Clinton Presidency...just like Harvey, he too was very close to the Clintons. If Hillary wins I doubt any of this comes to light as they'd know that Hillary isn't going to abandon them...hell, she covered for the guy in her campaign. She covered for Bill. The National Association of Gals aren't going to say shit...just as they didn't with Bill. Especially with someone that close to Hillary. The reality is as long as you support abortion the left will look the other way 99% of the time. Hell they were trying to turn Schneiderman's accusers 'sure he beat you & abused you...but think of the damage it will do if you come forward!'. I'm not saying things like that couldn't be said about either side...but this is supposed to be the party that protects women. FTR...I highly doubt this type of shit went on and no one knew. They knew about Bill. They knew about Harvey. They knew about this jackoff as well. And then foolishly enough continued to throw weight behind him & push him up the ladder. They're saying he was inline for NY Gov or even Presidential candidate. And yea...I get it, Trump. But adultery & scummy don't equal what we've got going on here...and no one was looking to Trump to lead any morality drives. -
Look...we're already shaming from so many other things right now! We can only shame so much!! We're still shaming from the WWIII that Trump started with North Korea...we can't shame for another WWIII...you're going to have to call this WW...IV? I guess? We'll let you know when we're through with the NK shame...and then give us a day to rest up and then I promise we'll jump right on this new shame. Will that work? I'm thinking about becoming a Democrat just to avoid shame all together...it might be worth getting that full frontal lobotomy. I mean it's clear Democrats clearly have no shame at all... You can beat women and call them racist names...and be the leader of the #MeToo movement going after all those horrible men that demean and attack women. You can lament and promote climate hysteria...telling soccer moms & truck drivers they're killing the earth...while you make millions flying around in private jets with SUV caravans. Heck you can even give a homicidal group of cultists a $100 billion dollars to help fund their nuclear ambitions...and claim getting tough on them is shameful. These are just the big ones that make the news...its no telling what run of the mill leftists do without shame on a daily basis! But I think I want to know!
The ME is peaceful? Iran's spending Obama's gift to them via Hezbollah and its other agents to create everything but peace.
America didn't MAKE ANY PROMISES... The Obama Administration is still madly in love with Iran and it's deal...I'm sure they're 100% in place on THEIR deal. See the American PEOPLE didn't make a promise. WE make promises via TREATY. Why don't we have an IRAN TREATY? Because it was a shitty deal and no one other than a lame duck, muslim loving, dip shit and his leftist lap dogs wanted this POS. Even Jon Podesta said it was a joke and Iran would get nukes from the deal...and the money? Well, the money's all gone. 😡
Yea...but Trump! Sure Obama gave them a $100 billion and a road to nukes...but this will be the REAL problem!
Yea...the fact Obama paid them already for things they were never going to do...probably doesn't help. But what could a homicidal, terror sponsoring, nation do with a hundred billion dollars? Ehhh...probably nothing bad.
We can argue tax cuts all we want...but nothing changes the fundamental reality that it's our fucking money. The Gov didn't earn it. They didn't produce anything for it...and if they had it they'd just fuck it away studying why ugly, fat women tend to be angry lesbians or trying to figure out how much seamen the average North American lawn gopher produces a year...and that's if we're lucky. Most likely they'd do something even more foolish with that money. In the competitive free market, companies have to do whatever give them the best return on their investment. If they fail to do that, shareholders will punish them...for many companies the best thing they can do is turn their company into a lean, profit returning machine. Cisco is one of them. They've tried endlessly to expand into other markets...none have given them great returns. They'd be better throwing dividend checks at shareholders.
I'd LOVE to end ag subsidies. LOVE IT. It's going to fuck a lot of your current farmers...but honestly it's enabling a lot of bad farmers to continue to farm. But if it happened I'd be farming again within 12 months & making good money doing it. I'm anti-tariff...BUT there needs to be a level playing field. No tariffs for Chinese, EU, or Mexican goods...but it has to go both ways. Trump is right in that America has been making a lot of bad deals. We've been the 90's Chicago Bulls playing some pretty average HS teams over the years and we've felt guilty about it...so we've negotiated some very poor trade deals and allowed some real horse shit to go down. We're $20 Trillion in debt and we've bleed off a ton of jobs in the past 40 years. We're not the 90's Bulls anymore...we can't spot other nations 50 points...nor should we have to anymore. I understand how & why it happened...but we've got to change our mindset as we're no longer the only dominant team.
Oh, I still care. Trump wasn't my guy and I fought against him all the way to the end of the convention. There was no good choice in 2016. I've lost my faith in the American people to a degree...that we're letting both parties do this to us. But I honestly don't think we'd elect decent people to office anyway. We wouldn't vote for someone that was honest with us about how our spending needed to change...or personal responsibility. They wouldn't be attractive enough. They might offend us with the truth. And neither party leadership wants anything to do with giving up control or power. We want the Gov to fix all our problems...despite them not being able to fix any of them. We don't want to hear that we're financially irresponsible and headed towards bankruptcy. We want free shit! We want it YESTERDAY! And we'd appreciate it if you kindly didn't bother us with facts or reality! That might upset us...and we've got TV shows & games to watch...we don't want our vacations ruined with that...and next you'll tell us we have to manage our own finances better and save for our own retirement! OH HELL NO! Worst of all...we might hear a lot of this is our own fault! That we're not victims...that we're not owed anything...and that we need to fix our own problems. And honestly, given the other choice...yea...I appreciate Trump. He's heavy handed, not overly smooth, but he's addressing a lot of the problems in DC on both sides. In all of this we've created a massive, all powerful, unaccountable bureaucracy that does pretty much whatever it wants. There is nothing healthy about that. Hopefully everyone can see that...if not we're doomed as a country. My dream would be a Gov that regardless of who runs congress or occupies the WH...America runs on pretty much unchanged. The ONLY way for that to happen is for the power to leave DC and come back to the State and Local levels. Better yet...I want power to the INDIVIDUAL. That's where true freedom lies...and yea, it comes with a side of personal responsibility.
The Community Reinvestment Act was the #1 cause of the housing crisis allowing Fanny & Freddie to take asinine mortgages from the banks that were now forced to make bad financial loans based on SJ not financials. Dems ran both Fanny & Freddie...and Dodd and other Democrats did everything in their power to stop oversight of them before the crisis. NOW...I'll agree the banks & insurance companies like AIG made a bigger mess out of things with the CBO's & they're just as much to blame. But none of it's possible without Franny & Freddie there to take any shit paper they produce & slapping an implied US Government gurantee on them. The biggest mistake in the end was consolidating these already too large banks into bigger ones. IF we were going to gift billions and trillions to the banking / insurance industry it should have been to finance new smaller banks and create more competition and reduce risk. But that was never the plan. The plan is to consolidate as much power as they can in as few hands as possible...and I'd say that's both sides. But make no mistake, Democrats are perfectly happy doing it as well. Which is one of the major issues I have with the left...you're cutting your own throats with more Gov power. There is no freedom with powerful Gov. And the idea that powerful Gov holds large biz in check is also a misnomer as large biz loves regulations and a powerful Gov can eliminate competition through those regulations. Economic & personal freedoms are the answer. Financial decisions need to be made on financial calculations only. Be it home mortgages, car loans, or educational lending...if the numbers don't work...don't do it. When Gov gets involved all types of stupidity gets mixed into the equation. And I understand your dream is to have a degree in Underwater Women's Studies or own a home...and I'm sure you're a neglected minority & victim of unlimited social justice atrocities. But if the numbers don't add up for you to pay for that degree or house...why should we subsidize it as a Gov? Knowing that Gov money will be irresponsibly spent with zero accountability... There are endless unprofitable, financially irresponsible, zero return projects I'd love to invest OPM into...because I'm not willing to spend my money on them due to ROI..should the Gov also help in those endeavors? Why not? Don't you think the world would be a better place if I had a race track or machine shop to tinker in? Who knows what I might develop? I might change the world for the better! Let's gamble on old XR everyone! It's only a few million dollars...a year...until an unknown future date...maybe a few hundred million...nothing compared to the US Fed budget. In San Antonio...I've got minority status.
Yep...you give him Obama press and Trumps in the 70%'s & they don't even bother to have 2018 midterms. As President Trump approaches the end of his first 100 days in office, he has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative. Obama on the other hand received 60% plus positive stories during his first 100 days. Eight years ago, the networks’ treatment of President Obama’s first 100 days was very different. Back then, the networks delivered most of their coverage to Obama’s key policy priorities, topped by the nearly $1 trillion “stimulus” package (150 stories, or 15% of the total). The network spin for that legislation: 58% positive, vs. 42% negative. As MRC analysts calculated at the time, the networks also doled mostly positive coverage for Obama’s intervention in the housing market (59% positive), his decision to use taxpayer money to fund embryo-destroying stem cell research (82% positive), as well as his push for more government action on global warming (78% positive). “The President’s first seven weeks have been a whirlwind, with often dramatic movement in all directions, on all fronts: the economy, health care, two wars and today education reform,” then-anchor Brian Williams marveled on the March 10, 2009 NBC Nightly News. On World News, March 1, 2009, ABC’s medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson, gushed after a forum on health care: “I was blown away by President Obama’s grasp of the subject, how he connected the dots, how he answered the questions without any script.” The networks also broadcast dozens of stories that treated Obama and his family as pop culture celebrities. “From the moment the Obamas landed in Britain, hand in hand, many here were already star-struck,” NBC’s Dawna Friesen enthused on the April 1, 2009 Nightly News. Covering a European leaders summit a few days later, ABC’s David Muir warmly referred to Obama as “the cool kid in the class.” We had multiple Comedy Central shows in his first 6 months mocking Trump. Frankly, it's remarkable he's not at 10% approval given the flood of attacks against him. This should concern leftists...a solid economy and obvious backlash against their treatment of Trump (You don't think people can't see the contempt for Trump isn't also contempt for THEM?) is going to leave a lot of leftists scratching their heads in the future as they try to understand why they're failing so badly. I'd feel bad for telling you...but just like other mental illness, leftists can't stop their behavior. So keep on keeping on! : )
This one got me...forgive me if it's been posted here...I think it came from a FB group.
This one kills me...mainly his smile & the 'ugga dugga' 🤣
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