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Everything posted by XR4ticlone

  1. It's a great first step... Then fill with water.
  2. They said he was warned by people several times...but went ahead with his plans for a selfie. The cameraman sucked...but up to the point of turning away I thought the guy was doing well...I had him ahead in points. Evidently the bear was rope-a-doping him? I guess fighting a bear is more of a marathon than a sprint...
  3. Know? No, I don't 100% know they would have. Do I have strong suspensions that they would have...100% yes. You make the mistake of applying your beliefs about the value of human life & human decency to others. I'm guessing you wouldn't throw gay people off buildings? Or stone a woman to death for being raped? Finally...I guess 'Death to America' is just something they say for kicks?
  4. The difference is I don't know any evangelicals that want to start WWIII in hopes of that being the case. But go on...
  5. Ok...they're at war with us. Better? As for the other...I'd love to hear where I'm wrong.
  6. Of the following I have no doubts... A. Iran is run by some really shitty people. B. Iran is a leading state sponsor of terrorism. C. Iran wants nuclear weapons. D. Nothing good happens when Iran get's nuclear weapons. E. Unlike NK who's leaders are secular a-holes who only care about their opulent life on earth and Nordic hookers....these crazy cult fucks in Iran think that creating Armageddon brings back their 'messiah' Learn more here and starts paradise on Earth for muslim believers. F. Israel has 100+ nukes that they've never used. They have a military that has proven on multiple occasions is capable of wiping out their enemies and taking land. Yet Israel has given back land, allows muslims to live and vote inside Israel...even holding elected office. They treat women as people and don't throw gays off buildings. G. If Iran had nukes they'd have used them. They have never given back anything. Being an non-muslim in Iran is a deadly choice. Being a woman or a homosexual...also not advised in Iran. On this irrefutable facts alone...fuck Iran's leadership. Fuck Obama for giving them $100 Billion...even if it was their money. Fuck Obama & Kerry & Ben Rhodes for the #IranDeal...hell, even John Podesta's private emails relieved that he believed this shit show would lead to a nuclear Iran. I don't want to get into another war...but I don't want a nuclear Iran even less. Regardless of what anyone says...we're at war with islam...or at least they are at war with (non-believers / the West / Christians / Jews) . Deny it at your own peril.
  7. They had nothing to do with it? 🤣 His admin doesn't have responsibility for what happens during that time? Or are you going to make an argument that turning over 20% of US uranium to Russia was a good move? 😯 Cause I'm DYING to hear that argument. DYING! Be aware that the US is a NET importer of uranium...which IMHO makes the sale an absolute no go regardless of the buyer who was outside the US.
  8. Clinton for sure. Obama seems to be involved as well...or at least his admin was complicit.
  9. Do some research...it bet it'll shock you. When you do...remember...there is no such thing as a charitable Russian. The Soviets beat all the charity & compassion out of them. They don't value human life and think nothing of putting any disabled or mentally challenged person in an institution most Americans cannot imagine. So when someone tells you some Russians donated millions to a charity...they're FULL OF SHIT. Hell would freeze over first. Any Russian charitable giving is blackmail, bribery, or extortion.
  10. Well that's sweet. FTR...would you consider selling a limited supply, highly tactical, natural resource...a resource that we as a nation import...that can be used in manufacture of nuclear weapons...traitorous? Hint: This question may be less hypothetical than you might imagine. 😉 Now imagine if the person that bought it...was really evil. Maybe not Russia evil...ok...maybe Russia evil*. *After 2012 Russia evil...because in 2012 they were a joke and 20+ years past being a security concern. Then in 2016...back with a bullet baby!!!
  11. Keep your friends close...and your enemies in the grave or a gulag. 😉 It's a Russia tradition. Stalin killed or imprisoned tens of thousands of his closest comrades. Anyone seen as a threat...was gone. I'll give the Russians this much...they're old school. From how they build...to how they think...to how they kill without concern for human life.
  12. Most of us aren't. 😎
  13. As for Trump not going...it's brilliant. For all the shit talked about Trump...the bastard knows how to manipulate things to his benefit. The MSM came away from last night making themselves look like a-holes to everyone who's not a leftist. Trump wasn't there...which showed everyone that the MSM isn't important enough to justify his time. He's doesn't care about them...he'd rather be in the Heartland with REAL Americans. Fucking brilliant. I'll admit...he wasn't my guy. Everyone including myself underestimated him...Bill Clinton asked him to run. 🤣 Hillary & the DNC thought he was the most beatable of the GOP field (of 17!). They built him up with $2 billion in free air time...when they weren't cheating to get Grandma Kankles the Dem nomination. 🤣 You honestly think the people that helped Grammy Kankles with debate questions didn't help throw Trump free air time to assure him the nomination? That's adorable. The MSM & the Clintons (aka the DNC) made Trump the GOP nominee...and President. The vile hate from the left is what is going to bite them in the ass going forward. You may have gotten a chuckle out of Wolf last night...but she shit all over the left. What the rest of America heard was...they really hate us. They hate everything about us and there is nothing they wouldn't do to destroy everyone that doesn't walk the line. (Which I think is genuinely true about the left...look at how they turned on Kanye & Shania when they stepped out of line. There is their way...and nothing else...just like leftists / statists throughout history). Trump was out doing work...and the left was back at the WH digging the leftist grave deeper. 🤣
  14. I got in & out before it got this ridiculous. But it was starting to happen when I was at Iowa State from 89-93. But yea, I'm not sheep if that's what you're asking. That doesn't mean I'm under the impression that I'm always right, but I'm not going to buy in just because the rest of the crowd does or 'everyone else is doing it'. I wasn't afraid to debate teachers or professors...or even a CEO of Fortune 100 company. I'm not as brash IRL, but I'm not much different than I am here. I enjoy verbal debate more than having to type out a novel & my sarcasm & wit comes through much clearer. But this is pretty much me. LOL...hardly.
  15. 😂 Let's be 100 honest here. Most people are sheep. They're conformists. Sadly our education system has rewarded this & our society has as well. Colleges have ceased to be educational institutions and have now become 90% indoctrination centers. Look no further than UT...University of Texas to Treat Masculinity as a 'Mental Health' Issue - https://pjmedia.com/trending/university-of-texas-to-treat-masculinity-as-a-mental-health-issue/ What do you imagine would happen to a UT professor that came out and said that transgenders are mentally ill people in need of mental care...not gender reassignment surgery? 😯 Educated =/= smart anymore...'Educated' now = indoctrinated. Free thinking, open mindedness isn't allowed.
  16. You buy any electronics? Or just clothes?
  17. How true are the ratings on products? Can you trust them at all?
  18. How much would it cost? I've never had more than 2 beers and drove in a night. Since I've not weighed under 200 pounds since 9th grade that's not enough to get me drunk. I admit I was raised differently. My dad is a big old boy and although a good man, he was no nonsense with us as kids. My dad made it really clear...if you drink in HS don't worry about what the school & police will do to you if you get caught. What will happen here is going to make that look like a walk in the park. You won't miss 3-4 games...you'll miss whatever is left of your HS career. Community service will be easy compared to hand shoveling all these pens...but you'll have time since you won't be in any activities. Driving after drinking? LOL. I'll sell your car. "But we paid for it ourselves" You say that like I give a shit. That's adorable. Your next car will be after your 18th birthday when you go on your own.
  19. Well that changes things...makes the NRA's interpretation a lot more believable. If you put up 306 stickers...and you're tied to guns / hunting / whatever market...then you deserve the bankruptcy coming your way. CHL holders are less likely to commit a crime than police officers...statistically speaking. You've bought into the #FullRetard anti-gun position if you put up an no carry sticker on your business. I'm looking forward to Yeti's bankruptcy sale.
  20. A. God bless you. I mean that. B. I'm all for redemption. I have a buddy that hooked a felony 20 years ago after being in front of the same judge too many times for misdemeanor theft and drug use. 20+ years later it haunts him & limits his job options. I agree that's a bad deal...and I talk to my oldest about that as well. There is no escaping your past in our digital information age. C. It's not that I want anyone 'thrown away' but there has to be consequences for choices. No one is going to say 'well don't get drunk and drive...you might kill some people and have to got to a probation meeting once a month'....#ScaredStraight (rolls eyes) My comment was 'I don't know if she's plead guilty to this because she had no real defense, or if she did so because she feels remorse and wants to take responsibility for her choices...then I applaud her for that. But that doesn't change the need for punishment. Those people will never come back...their families lives will never be the same. Regardless if you have to live with this for the rest of your life...it doesn't mean you walk free.
  21. I put bullets in my AR & blindly shoot it off in the direction of a school...are the deaths 'bad luck' as well? *I don't believe in luck. At least on that type of level. You got the dominant genes for baldness from both your folks and are bald...well, that's bad luck. You lose your hair after pouring gas on your head & running around in a fireworks show...that's on you.
  22. I try. Thanks for noticing. I'm sure if it had been your family she killed you'd still be happy with probation? Or if she got probation and does it again...you still happy with that?
  23. Yes, but the trucking company didn't make the choice to put something in the road to blow out a tire. I saw your posts in the other thread. Like I added, I know alcoholism all too well. We all have our burdens to carry, thankfully drugs and alcohol aren't mine. But frankly I'm sick of turning on the news to see videos & stories like the ones I posted. And between her being in jail or doing it again and killing my family...I'd rather pay for her to be in jail. Had I been on the jury that gave her a slap on the wrist...and it happened again....then IMHO that's on me.
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