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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ebeye

  1. Didn’t look upstream….Dr Fear already posted
  2. A quick side by side of the graphic novel and the trailer…
  3. Article:
  4. https://outline.com/WfPd9P
  5. Matt Brown from The Athletic agrees with you: "Given the current lack of parity in the sport, it feels safer than ever to say the national champion will be one of Alabama, Oklahoma, Clemson, Ohio State, Georgia and Texas A&M — and likely one of the first five."
  6. Here you go.
  7. Ebeye

    Uniform Pron

  8. Looks like they deleted the initial Youtube upload of the press conference.
  9. I'm reminded of the quote from Dune, “My son displays a general garment and you claim it’s cut to your fit?” Jessica asked. “What a fascinating revelation.”
  10. ShaggyBevo4 is still active with donations. Just need @blacklab to boot one of the inactives and you can join up. We do clan war league and will do clan wars during the month.
  11. I’ve heard really good things about Black Canyon. I just haven’t made it over there yet. I had a buddy over there this last week car camping with his family. Black Canyon
  12. Thankfully it wasn’t my big toe, but yeah coming down was less than enjoyable.
  13. This one was a few weeks ago. I took my wife on her first overnight backpacking trip. We ended up getting hailed on just after we pitched the tent. We had crazy winds all night, and I feel in the damned lake chasing a floating away beer, breaking a toe and bruising an elbow in the process. Not sure if she is going to head out with me again this summer. Lakes of the Clouds outside Westcliffe, CO. There are three lakes total, but we ended up only hitting the bottom one due to weather and the aforementioned falling in the lake. We took the long way up which was about 6.25mi with 2,500 vertical gain. Coming down, we took the shorter, steeper route which cut off a couple of miles. Super rocky, so our feet were less than pleased. This was the second time I have done this hike. The weather this time was less than ideal, but it is worth the hike up still.
  14. Took my son up to Ptarmigan Lake outside of Buena Vista, CO last Thur/Fri. Ended up having amazing weather. It was a short hike (3m / 1,500 vertical). We camped just under treeline at about 11,800. The actual Ptarmigan Lake was around 12,200. Ptarmigan Lake Campsite Heading back down to camp from the main lake. Mt. Yale (14,196 in the distance) The small lake we camped next to. Woke up to this...
  15. room now
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