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Everything posted by msucolt45

  1. Fear is a hell of a drug! Bottle it up and sell it to aggy in a maroon bottle. Hook’em!!!
  2. That’s a Seinfeld reference for you youngsters. Hook’em!!!
  3. What a dumbass. Generational money at his feet, but “NO soup for you!” Hook’em!!!
  4. I used to like Josh Pate about three years ago when he’d be a weekly guest on “Full Ride” SXM 84. Now he’s just looking for online “clicks” to boost his status. That’s why he props up the aggy mind! Hookem!!!
  5. Ain’t no way he’s a top 5 pick, unless drunk Jerry insists! The Buffs aren’t even going to win 7 games this year. T Hunter is their only 1st round “draft worthy” pick. Hook’em!!!
  6. That’s for the flame thrower! Cub and all. Hook’em!!!
  7. Geese on a golf course, with newly born hatchlings, are the worse. Even with a 3 iron in your hand, you have to avoid it or look like a dreg to society by hitting the damn thing. Hook’em!!!
  8. msucolt45


    Going in tomorrow morning. First one at the age of 54. Son, who is an RN, has been dictating to get it done for the last 2-3 years! Started the concucture around 6:00, so I’ll be in the “office” most of the evening, I assume. Have to wake up around midnight for the 2nd course. Been on a liquid diet all day. Just water and Gatorade. Hook’em!!!
  9. I’m thinking that with a new, totally separated football league, that will in the small window/future, consist of 48-64 teams. It’ll be broken into divisions just like the NFL. Those teams making the new playoffs might be teams that experience 3-5+ losses within that structure. Yes, TV/Media will be all over it, but I don’t see “weaker” schools (non-revenue generating schools) on the schedule to just pad the Win column. Maybe by 2035 - IMO. Hook’em!!!
  10. I think Quinn throwing really well during the last Spring Day at UT really helped him in the eyes of the many Scouts/GMs in attendance. Needs a solid ‘24 season to back it up, but he lived up to the hype. Hook’em!!!
  11. Most likely road by train to NOLA. Bandits there too. Hook’em!!!
  12. I’ve seen this implemented in CFB. If and hopefully not when, Quinn gets injured for a game or a week or so, I think we’ll all be glad that Arch has had “meaningful” reps. Hook’em!!!
  13. I’d replace Notre Dame with the other two Indiana schools in a heartbeat, because we’re talking only football. Other B10 schools that were recently added, like Rutgers and Maryland would be gone. SEC for football only would drop about 3-5 of the non revenue generating schools. Yes - it’ll be the haves vs the have nots, and more like the NFL, as that’s what TV/media wants - big $$$. Hook’em!!!
  14. We’re not talking about a rotational 2-QB system. Just the third series of the game with the 1’s, in order to get real game time experience. One drive and watching from the sidelines isn’t going to kill Quinn’s stats for the year. It might even help him mentally. Hook’em!!!
  15. Those games are full of HATE by the opposing fans. We faced Arky in Sarks’ first year and they (UT players) were like deer in the headlights for the first three quarters! Hate is hate and you have to be prepared for it! Hell, I don’t even like driving to Hot Springs with TX tags on my vehicle. Hook’em!!!
  16. People still think it’s a ridiculous idea, but I still say that I’d implement a plan where Arch gets the 3rd series of the game, regardless of score, with the 1’s. Even if he leads the team to a TD, FG, punt, or TO. Quinn comes out the next series. Waiting on the waning minutes of a game is not game experience. Hook’em!!!
  17. They were unstoppable in ‘05 when nobody gave them a chance. All VY, but the defense did their part too, in order to give us that last historical drive. Hook’em!!!
  18. There are a vast amount of Remora fish (suckers) that ride on the “sharks” in each conference. Until that ship is righted, which I truly think is what TV/media wants, we’ll continue to have the schools claiming that they have conference legacy. Their claim to still be invited to the adult table is about to end. IMO - we’re looking at a special league of about 48 teams, for football only, and they will get all the TV money. Maybe prior to 2035? Hook’em!!!
  19. aggy doesn’t even realize that even playing them on the road, actually brings our strength of schedule down. Hook’em!!!
  20. Ain’t no way Colorado is winning the B12. Middle of the pack at best. The only Top 10 draft pick is their WR/DB combo guy. If they totally don’t overuse T Hunter, as he’s the “talent” on the roster. Hook’em!!!
  21. Support the coal miners. Nice add is the uni’s “reflective tape” that will shine under the lights. Nice touch - IMO. Hook’em!!!
  22. Is J Whit’s official Rams number 88 or will that change in the Fall? I want a JW jersey but I also want the Fall/real number. Hook’em !!!
  23. Beck isn’t going before Ewers. He’s going to beat them twice, if not three times next year. Hook’em !!!
  24. I’m thinking 11-1 and the lone L isn’t to either Michigan, OUsux, Georgia, or aggy. It’ll be some “strange” game that we rally behind to “right the ship” into the SEC Championship game, then playoffs. Hook’em !!!
  25. He’s Caleb without the finger paint. And I’m a Cowboys’ fan that cherished Prime’s time with the Boys. Hook’em !!!
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