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Everything posted by msucolt45

  1. Still “reaching” for Southern CA and D/FW? Could be a good long term move - ???? Hook’em!!!
  2. I’ve said enough and resigned my officiating position for this upcoming season. I’ve discussed this topic with so many retired coaches, my Dad included, as well as those that were held in very “high esteem” of the TXHS coaching ranks and I just told them that I’d take one year off, then reflect and go from there, as I do love TXHS Football and my portion as an a official over the years. We are very “understaffed” state wide, so I’m actually contributing to the problem for 2023. Hook’em!!!
  3. Feel sorry for the sheep inside. Hook’em!!!
  4. It actually goes beyond the Admins to tell them to do what’s right. It was proposed last year that multiple ejections of coaches and/or players could possibly keep a school from participating in UIL playoffs. It’s a “generational problem” that really escalated during and after the Covid time frame. The parents of these youngsters is something that the UIL can’t control, except to ban them from future events. I know the Head of the UIL, Dr. Charles Breithaupt personally. Hell, he taught me Sunday school as a youngster and I have nothing but the most respect for him. Each school Admins, from the Junior High level to HS need to actually be “on site” for athletic events, in order to realize the problems they face. It’s definitely NOT a “minority” problem, as a vast majority of the school districts that I officiated, over the last couple years, would be those that would be considered “affluent” for the SA area. Hook’em!!!
  5. I too love the old game day programs. It’s a shame the we got away from printing game programs around 10-15 years ago and went to the smaller game “booklets” that are free. I used to always purchase a program, as besides the ticket stub, that was your “proof” that you were there. I still have many of those boxed up in the garage, against my wife’s opinion. Hook’em!!!
  6. Fng aggy only wins halftime at home! Hook’em!!!
  7. Scheffler or Spieth - the rest can suck it, besides Robert MacIntyre, as I was rooting for him at the Scottish Open today. Hook’em!!!
  8. In the mid to late ‘80s I really don’t think that my Dad, as HC, “abused” us as players. The heat and humidity of SETX was enough to get anyone in Game shape, if they weren’t prior to August. Nothing like the Beaumont PM rain showers and looking out for the fire ant beds on your practice field afterwards. We had a “Hawk Mile” that everyone had to beat 7:45, prior to even starting 2-a-days. Hook’em!!!
  9. That LSU drill would make me hate practice - “Yes, we’re talking practice!” Hook’em!!!
  10. To my suggestion, my Dad actually put a “pirates skull and crossbones” decal on our JV helmets as we considered ourselves the Band of Brothers, prior to the book or movie. Hook’em!!!
  11. When I was in HS my Dad was hesitant to put any Freshmen or Sophomores on the Varsity. So as youngsters, we were the “opponent” every week during practice. Sometimes we’d whip their ass, yes “we’re talking practice”, but the coaches would get all over their ass and all we could do was smile through our face masks. My JV team went 9-1, with a roster of 22 players, while the Varsity went 6-4 that year - no playoffs. Hook’em!!!
  12. I really liked Ty Allert, during my youth. IMO - he was awesome, prior to Britt Hager “hanging the moon!” Hook’em!!!
  13. We had a “lineman Shute” that was maybe 3’ off the ground that we ran drills through, as OL personnel. We were taught to “wear out” the thighs of the opponent. Always blocking from the knees to below their numbers. We were “smaller” and slower to most of our District, so we ran the Wishbone and variations of that. I was our Center in ‘87 at 5’9 and 205. I wasn’t the biggest, nor the smallest. Hook’em!!!
  14. My Dad was my HS HC and we did a lot of 3 (offense) vs 2 (defense). Sometimes both defenders were down linemen, sometimes we had a LB behind them. Mid-80’s we “progressed” from rail road ties as the boundaries to actual padded boundaries. SETX memories- less than a month and they’ll be doing 2-a Days! Hook’em!!!
  15. Nice recount of tennis history. Props! Hook’em!!!
  16. I have taken Friday off from work, for The Open, the last 10+ years. Nothing like coffee and golf. Hook’em!!!
  17. aggy isn’t hated by anyone. They are made fun of and laughed at by their ridiculous and tired traditions, which were self-made and indoctrinated. If they could only look in the mirror. You first have to be “something” prior for anyone to “hate” you. The Texas Longhorns, on the other hand, are hated by many, just as those that hate the Dallas Cowboys. You either love them or you hate them! Hook’em!!!
  18. As the generational morons they seem to be to those that “know of aggy,” I do think that they lead in having more students where multiple generations have graduated from. If Dad, and or Mom, went to aggy land, the more likely their children do too. The cycle just repeats itself. Hook’em!!!
  19. It’s called Fish Camp! That’s where the indoctrination starts. Hook’em!!!
  20. IMO - Rory has a better “world wide or international” career. Hook’em!!!
  21. Proud of Bob MacIntyre’s efforts on his home turf today, in Scotland, but Rory had an amazing finish to beat him by one. Bob went to my alma mater - McNeese (Lake Charles, LA). It’s amazing how these Europeans find a small home in the states for college golf. I remember when I was in HS, that Colin Montgomery played college golf at Houston Baptist of all places. Hook’em!!!
  22. Their only Championship wasn’t on TV. Reflect on that time span. Hook’em!!!
  23. Get used to it aggy. Now that “Daddy” is in your conference, you literally have ZERO recruiting advantage over the Longhorns. Suck it - aggy and back to your role in the universe. Hook’em!!!
  24. I left Austin in ‘97 and always though KVET was the online broadcasting service. I digress. Hook’em!!!
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