Usually after the first two weeks, into and after Bi-District, most larger area stadiums are opened up enough, so that most games are neutral site games, or at least not on campus for the larger 5-6A teams. Your big School Districts, like in SA with shared stadiums doesn’t give a home field advantage, except for travel distance of one or both participants. What I will say though is coaches in (say El Paso) requesting out of town/chapter officials tasked to officiate a week 1 or 2 crew to come in and do the game. UIL/TASO over the last 5 or so years have said “OK!” Bull shit, if you’re asking a referee to pay to fly to an “early” playoff game, maybe even spend a night or two in a hotel, only to make roughly 150 for the game, then get reimbursed over a month later for flight, hotel, and etc. That’s asking a lot for most, as most officials aren’t self-employed or can just “front load” all there playoff expenditures, while waiting on reimbursement sometimes a month later. The first two weeks of the playoffs should be officiated by local or surrounding chapters where no or little travel is involved! UIL/TASO needs to just tell them to just go win. Once it’s around the regional round, that is understandable, as that happens often. To be asked to “travel” to officiate a game of teams 9-1 vs 4-6 is crazy! Hook’em!!!