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former alkie

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Everything posted by former alkie

  1. Bingo This is becoming some concerning / worrisome S
  2. Well, I can only say that I was going by what he told me. I met him thru work, had to have been in the early to mid aughts. I was chatting with him and of course we veered off-topic, talked about football, told him I used to have a 7-11 Slurpee trading cup of him, he saw my Longhorn koozi and he brought up the hit and the bruise.
  3. I did too D1, P1, and I don't think it dawned on me that it's really a mixture of both until several years ago
  4. Just heard about Gumbel.....that's a damn shame
  5. I sorely miss stuff like this happening!! I’m old, so some good ol’ day syndrome, I reckon \,,/
  6. “A forward pass must go forward” I heard Sturm’s comment too, and I immediately remembered that above quote being pounded into our heads a million times during pee-wee……never forget that
  7. Nah…..the content of the show is good, but the lip smacking is irritating. It’s a fixable problem
  8. I wish someone with some authority at the Ticket would demand that Craig Rosengarden and Rick Arnett use windscreen/pop filter/mic screens on their mics. Their lip smacking is making their golf show unlistenable.
  9. If beggars on the street corners did the Curly dance, I'd consider tossing them a buck or 2
  10. Absolutely correct!!! They're all "cokes" The next question is "what kind of coke?".......coke coke, or Dr Pepper, or Pepsi, or whatever....... But wtf people still drink cokes is beyond me.......switch to water for a week and you'll never want soft drinks again - same goes with sugar in tea......go a week without sugar and that will become your norm
  11. I believe that was Isiah Robertson He honestly had a permanent bruise on his chest until the day he passed away
  12. In all fairness, I don’t know or care squat about the WNBA, but….. Chennedy Clark does look a little “off”…….based on her profile pic, so acts of unprovoked violence should come as no surprise, and…. Matt Barnes speaks the truth, about teammates in general
  13. That's a real shit move by your neighbor.........planting a tree which will ultimately effect their neighbors lawn, without discussing with the neighbor beforehand. You could gently hammer some copper nails into the base of that tree in the eyes of darkness.......that'll remedy your situation in due time.
  14. Nah, I've been noticing it for years, but just tolerate it Last week I was probably just in a surly mood, so felt the need together it off my chest I have a few misophonia issues 😠
  15. The Tee Box is becoming unlistenable Been listening to this show for years, but the clarity of their lip smacking and gum smacking is f'ing maddening........as well as Rosengarden's over laughing Jesus
  16. Can’t believe I haven’t seen sweatshirts mentioned yet…….but likely overlooked it twice Would LOVE those…..hope they’ll come in gray with burnt orange emblem - but hell, I’d buy whatever \,,/
  17. I hope that’s what my kids and my friends say when it’s my time \,,/
  18. Given that the Tarzan scream is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary......I still giggle every time I hear it 😆
  19. Man, I pretty much said the very same thing to everyone I care to speak to Texas basketball is the only one still out there lingering around......but it WILL happen in due time (hopefully while I'm still alive) \,,/
  20. Thank you…….I’ve always felt that I’ve been doing pretty damn good for a number of years. Reckon I was just seeking verification from others that I’m doing OK \,,/
  21. Very long time daily reader, but very rare poster Figured I’d add a little to this thread, and apologize for length of post Little boring history: fixing to turn 60 5’8, 162 lbs non-smoker but having trouble stopping dipping former quite heavy drinker, stopped cold in Jan 2014 due to pretty f’ing bad seizure (4 months rehab) - turns out had a few untreated minor ones before big one Prior surgeries: left ankle x2, left knee scope, fake left hip, fake right hip, right knee full blown, right leg open fracture tibia and fibula, right wrist/right elbow, and right shoulder that I refuse surgery on Been truly exercising for 30+/- years Exercise: used to run, but had to give it up after hips…..and told to get treadmill and start strenuous walking…..did that for 20 years but recently had to stop and move to elliptical Daily mornings during work week: 40 woodchops, 2 sets per side of straight side planks, 300 crunches, 35 mins on elliptical Every night: 30 mins of flexibility/stretching exercises No soreness I admit that I exercise mainly because I don’t want to be a fat-ass, but also because I’d guilt myself to death if I didn’t or if I even skipped a session Other than the woodchops, I can’t do much with weights (shoulder and elbow); however, I’d appreciate any feedback / suggestions about where I can improve on the aerobic side of things
  22. Luckily, at least Rosa's still does.....
  23. IMHO, your BIL is an SOB
  24. St. Christopher necklace that mom gave me in 1971'ish (7 yrs old) Worn it 24/7, ever since
  25. Not sure if anyone heard one of the weekend shows replay the firework blast at Globe Life Park on Thur or Sat It was hilarious how loud it was inside the stadium……sounded like a bomb blast. I’m too stupid to find a replay, but if a smart person can find it, please post it.
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