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former alkie

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Everything posted by former alkie

  1. I very rarely complain about much, but when I have, it's amazing how quickly issues can be resolved by simply contacting (whichever is applicable): your city council rep, your state house rep, your state senate rep, your US House rep, or your US Senate rep They seem to be able to get any government agency to get shit fixed, especially when you've already first tried to work with the particular agency. The only time this failed for me was dealing with a county commissioner - living in an unincorporated area does have a downside.
  2. Anything less than Neutral Good = prick
  3. Wee-bit of a biased opinion here.......but I think he would be a wonderful fit with the Cowboys
  4. DFW left lane camper too, as long as I'm consistently passing a slew of slow movers However I'm a very courteous, sensible left lane camper If I see a vehicle in rearview, who's obviously going faster than me, I move over well in advance and allow them to pass.......then move back to the left and carry-on Too many slow driving dicks playing left lane cops here in FW
  5. During the first few years, the station used to hold their advertisers accountable. I had 2 instances where I called the station to let them know the companies did crappy work - and within a day or two the company contacted me to fix the problem. However now, I wouldn’t expect that the station would do a damn thing.
  6. Thanks for the education I always knew paid programming existed, but thought they had to run disclaimers here and there during the show Used to listen to Larry North on KLIF
  7. Due to the docs being local, that never dawned on me Thanks.....now I'm less pissed at the station \,,/
  8. Disappointing that they're cancelling the Saturday morning show Inside Sports Medicine (7a-8a) Lots of good inside info.....typical of The Ticket to cancel shows that aren't just grab-ass drops and jokes.
  9. Amen to this!! \,,/
  10. True Day 1, P1.......so feel qualified for opinion Never found the Saturday Sirois show to be entertaining in the least Donny carried Sirois on Norm show Doctor show on Saturday should be 3 hours, and Tee Box should be 3 hours.....then let newbies finish the day Sirois(x2) leaving was a good thing Sorry, feel free to blast me \,,/
  11. Totally agree..... But, I do wish that during the duration of football season it should always be cloudy and 60
  12. former alkie


    Will have my 5th colonoscopy this year (58 yoa, first one I was 44).....back then they routinely weren't recommended until you were 50'ish. My doc started mine earlier, due to my dad's history (colorectal, ignored symptoms, ended up with radiation/surgery/colostomy, survived another 20 years until it caught back up and did him in). They moved me up to every 3 years once I turned 50. Everybody, trust me, get this done....don't let it kill you due to ignorance. Pre-procedures aren't that bad.....and on the bright side, you at least feel like you've lost 10 pounds. And from what I've been told, if you get the procedures done when you're supposed to, anything they catch can be fixed, before it gets to my dads point. \,,/
  13. Kids ruin stuff........always have and always will.......same as puppies. FWIW, I'd leave it as-is and leave it where it is, or maybe move it to a garden area. Then, y'all will have a story for years to come, when visitors ask "what happened to the bench".........or you'll smile about it for years to come when you glance at it.
  14. I've dealt with situations similar to this, and it's really not that difficult of a conversation as you anticipate. Just call the friend, and ask him how the heck he's doing. Apologize if you haven't been in touch recently, say he popped into your mind, so you wanted to touch base. Just have a conversation...let him be the one to bring up what's going on, and go from there. It's honestly not as difficult as you fear.....I promise.
  15. Suh is a dirty ass player…everyone knows that. But, “Taunting” is the gayest penalty in all of sports
  16. Earl Campbell.......bottom line
  17. Oil the blades every now and then.....this problem will disappear
  18. Amen to this.....but my situation differs a tiny bit. My neighbor refuses to remove his trash carts from the street, most always. I live in an unincorporated area of the county, so no enforcement of code compliance rules...however, everyone else on the street does the right thing and puts their carts up, like good humans do. Plus, his yard looks like shit, and he mows with knee high rubber boots on. I hope bad things happen to him, and his wife who doesn't seem to enforce any home rules.
  19. Pretty much any movie where Christopher Walken is involved (minus musicals) Some of them (movies) may suck as a whole, but his role is worth worth the price of admission.
  20. I did leave that out, but not purposely. What you're saying is dead-on correct, and I'm obviously not well-versed enough to have ventured into this discussion...I admit that. Just fed-up and wish they'd just simplify this voting situation.....then move on to more pressing things, like our out of control property taxes. Please forgive my rant
  21. I truly don't understand why I keep getting ripped over my post. I just did a poor job, of actually saying what I really meant......just think they need to simplify, what should be an easy voting process: - have an Election Day, with polls open from 5a - 8p - being early voting, 2 weeks prior, same hours, 7 days per week ** and no, you should NOT have to vote, at the polling location in your precinct....but voting should be done, AT a polling location......and drive-thru voting is the height of all laziness - for those that are bed-ridden, or are hospitalized, etc.....they can request mail-in ballots Good grief...people want to make things so complicated, when it doesn't need to be...jeez
  22. SB 7 is all common sense stuff. Those bitching and complaining about the voting rules, are just people looking for reasons to bitch and complain. These are all rules, that should have been in place, all along. FWIW, I’m as Independent, as Independent can get.....so, I have no bias in this game.
  23. 😆 I get your point!! I should have left the steak one blank, because I don't really eat beef anymore. Trying to transition into a vegetarian lifestyle.....but bacon, man......
  24. 47 + 30 = 77 - 2 = 75
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