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former alkie

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Everything posted by former alkie

  1. This battery test actually works!! First I'd ever heard of this. I was afraid to test it, because I've always been afraid a battery may blow up if dropped on concrete But, damned if it doesn't work
  2. I'd much, much rather be going bald, than being a fat ass. Being a fat fuck just sends a negative message to society, regarding ones laziness, cleanliness (body and home).......just sends an overall piggish image.
  3. This does indeed work
  4. SIAP Neighbors that don't retrieve their trash bins from the curb, on same day they were emptied. This really pisses me off. And of course, 2 of my neighbors are the offenders on my 8 house street. Ours are emptied on Wednesdays, about 7:30a.....I'm looking outside, and their bins are still at the curb, blown over.....and 1 fucker just left, and had to avoid his to get out of his driveway.
  5. This.....and he looks and sounds like a limp dicked puss-boy
  6. HA.....I'll say the lowly, bus station skank. She's quite obviously not classy, or sophisticated, or educated, or a debutant, or high society
  7. That there is the absolute best advice. Not one person better to talk to, than Lee Trevino.
  8. Word on the street is, E. Lancaster is the Fort Worth skank paradise.....Harry Hines is in Dallas
  9. I'm not an attorney, but been dealing with this issue for a very long time. I work in a white collar environment, and employees are either "exempt," or "non-exempt." Supervisors and above are exempt, and everyone else in non-exempt. Exempt employees are strict salaried, and will make the same salary if they work 35 hours, or 50 hours, etc.....however, I do want to say that if a salaried employee abuses this, and consistently fails to work 40 hours, this will absolutely become an issue with them. Non-exempt will absolutely be paid time and a half, if they exceed 40 hours, whether it was approved or not......however, this will become an issue with them, if they worked OT, without prior approval from a supervisor or above. Lastly, as far as designated holidays.....if a non-exempt employee works on a holiday, they will be paid time and a half for each hour.......but, as stated earlier, this will become an issue, if they worked it, without prior approval from supervisor or above. If an exempt employee works on a designated holiday, he/she and their direct manager will figure out a fair way to work in some comp time.......never a big deal. There's really no valid reasons for employees, at any level, to get all pissy about stuff like this.....unless of course they're being taken advantage of.
  10. I’m no Texans fan, but Watt’s diatribe was A++ superb. I’d give up a small toe, for the Cowboys, and Horns, to have a roster of J.J. Watt minded individuals. Way to speak your mind, Watt!!
  11. You sleepwalkers are some creepy-ass, weird MF'ers. I'd divorce a spouse, break-up with a girlfriend, or send my kids to boarding school, if they ever started shit like that.
  12. Yes, this And he needs to scoot that front seat back, because he's crammed up against that steering wheel, and looks like a pussy.
  13. Clemson, maybe even Bama and Ohio St, would bitch-slap Dallas
  14. Is there any fucking valid reason why Pollard isn’t getting any carries? I fucking hate this coaching staff, this team, and everybody associated with it.....even including Frisco
  15. Absolutely, positively correct. I give the lower level worker one, easy-going opportunity to correct an issue. However, if not resolved, I kindly ask to speak to the person, that their direct supervisor reports to. It works every single time.
  16. Same goes for Jimmy Fallon.....the most brown nosing, kiss-ass talk show host, in the history of talk showing. I get pissed off just seeing commercials
  17. If you're really wanting to spend some time on a comprehensive autobiography WILL, by G. Gordon Liddy
  18. I'm very particular about order, both at home, and in my office at work. Everything has a "place," and I immediately notice if anything has been moved...even slightly - which is usually done, on purpose, by one of my kids, or co-workers, just to F with me. Of course, I return it to it's place, immediately. Keys, salt & pepper shakers, coffee pods, spoon rest, laptop, everything in bathrooms, remotes, dishes, garage.....even my dip can when I'm home. You name it, it has a home. Same things as my office at work.....legal pads, stapler.....paperwork.....you name it.
  19. Clemson or Alabama would no-doubt destroy Dallas......hilarious
  20. She’s been slurring her words, and can’t put sentences together for about the last 5 years. I assume she’s a drunkie, a pill popper, or had a stroke. She needs to be relieved of her duties.
  21. You meant to say that REM has 3 bad songs.....and that would be an unpopular opinion of anti-REM people
  22. Most pansy ass, supposed injuries on this team
  23. YAC’s with this defense is un-fucking believable, and inexcusable
  24. No shit on this Every fucking time Texas goes to fucking Lubbock, weird shit just happens. If the deaf, dumb and blind school were in Lubbock, Texas would find a way to make it a competitive game.
  25. When Stars are trying to clear the puck out of their defensive zone, they look like paint huffers Jesus, this has been ongoing for years
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