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former alkie

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Everything posted by former alkie

  1. Man, I hope she fucked that up on purpose Goddamn
  2. Fabulous recommendations.....with the lone exception of universal healthcare (go talk to Canadians about how that’s working out for them)
  3. My dad used to do the same buttermilk / cornbread combo. Still grosses me out just thinking about it....good memories.
  4. A single swing gate will work on both sides. You'll just need to install a new metal post on that 80 inch side. BTW, since you can't grow grass, why not just lay down some flagstones and fill gaps with pebbles, down both sides? That will significantly improve the look.
  5. Humane Society Plus, mixed breeds are kick-ass.....all 4 of y'all go, and you'll all fall in love with some particular, goofy ass dog.....that some POS dumped on their porch, threw out of a car, etc... all 5 of you will be happy!!
  6. I sincerely appreciate the comments. Posters on Surly/Shag/Hornfans are consistently awesome, as always. Great kids, stable job.....so I ain't bitching. \,,/
  7. Thanks for the "rock on,".....appreciated. And yea, I left out the college part of this...of all things. I tell my Senior the same thing, and that things will all work out just fine, in the long run (she damn sure won't be darkening the doors of GW, though....ha ). I tell the Freshman the same thing. They're good kids.....they hate me sometimes, I reckon, but they know I'm the parent they can rely on.....til whatever gets me, gets me!!
  8. I think I have a decent grasp of how f'd the world is right now, but, we trudge thru it. I apologize in advance, because in my current state-of-mind, my writing style is more stream of consciousness I'm in my upper 50's, single dad My 2 daughters (17, 14.....don't even bother asking for pics, pervs).....they flat-out refuse to speak to their mother, for going on 1 year (last year, they educated to me how f'd up their home-life was when they lived primarily with her.....that's being dealt with in family court).....their school district is on-line thru at least 4/17, but we all know it will remain that way for the duration. Their school district inundates parents with emails about how parents can "participate" in their kids "learning experience," but GD, there's only so many f'ing hours in a day. My oldest won't end up having her prom, or graduation - that'll probably be on-line, too......I feel quite sorry for her, but trying to keep her spirits up by pointing out that 20 years from now, her and her friends can laugh about being in the Covid / Corona Class of 2020. My job is stable, but, we've gone skeleton crew thru next week.....we're considered "essential," but still took this step for safety sake. I'm in management, so I continue working daily, and I'm salaried, but I worry what will happen to our hourly employees, as this carries on. Funding for last week and this week is covered, but after that, they'll likely have to start dipping into their leave time, or what they have left of it. On the good side, their positions are protected, but on the bad side, some will likely have to go LWOP if they don't have leave time. I'm up at 5:30a M-F, work out, go to work, then get home about 6:30 - 7p. By the time I get dinner ready, and they eat, it's like 8:30p. I've had 2 pretty serious conversations with them about how they need to help-out keeping the house up and running (sweeping, dusting...shit like that).....it's really hit-and-miss...if they don't do it, I do - I'm a little OCD about cleanliness, and 2 girls and a dog = daily sweeping Having said that, other that house-cleaning, overall, my kids are trustworthy, and good kids in general, so I just assume they've done what they're supposed to do for school. I do ask about school stuff, they say they did what they're supposed to, so, I just assume... I'm an f'ing dinosaur when it comes to technology, so I couldn't check up on that, even if I wanted to. All-in-all, work is the "easy" part of the day, because I can just concentrate on work. Home life is the craziest part of the day.....as I said, 17 & 14 year olds, getting cabin fever. Hell, I've probably given them shitty parent advice, in that I've told them they still need to live life, and can get out-and-about when they want to...told them that if cops pull them over to see why they're not at home, just tell the cops they're headed to the grocery store. GD man, can't live 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 2 months, confined to your f'ing house. Sorry for venting.....this is just the crap running thru my head
  9. Crap like this is why I'm so f'ing cynical, about every estimate I get on every g-damn thing. Sad state of affairs that it's such an f'ing task to simply find a contractor, business, etc...that you can actually trust.
  10. I hope you're wrong about this.....Parson's gives indications that he's possibly a talented actor, plus, Sheldon Cooper was a funny character. David Schwimmer played the biggest pussy/pansy/woe-is-me male character in sit-com history.....and I get the feeling he just basically played himself.
  11. I feel the exact same way. Capital punishment serves as no deterrent, so really, what's the point. For any punishment to be a deterrent, it must be administered swiftly, and with certainty.....this stupid death penalty certainly IS NOT administered swiftly, and with certainty. Life in prison is good enough.....and at least still gives the wrongly convicted a chance.......
  12. Sorry for not respecting the formal punctuality expectations on a message board.....ass lips...........
  13. Rightfully so........
  14. SIAP....... News is inundating us with stories of charities handing out free turkey's and whatnot to the poor's. I find it funny that 3/4's of the cars awaiting handouts are newer model SUV's, trucks, etc... Those takers should have to supply a notarized budget worksheet. Equally irritating is that I keep hearing the phrase "turkey and all the trimmings,"........that word "trimmings" just irks the shit out of me - just take the 20 seconds to say what else is included in the big-ass plastic container.
  15. When Texas sucks, it pretty much ruins college football for me, for the season. However, fortunately for me, I’m also an NFL fan (knowing that flys in the face of most posters)
  16. I know I did that night, about 10 minutes before kickoff. Swore I’d never, ever, bitch again, even if Texas, Cowboys, or Stars never won shit for the rest of my life. Looks like my “prayer” was answered.....and I’m a man of my word. It was worth it \,,/
  17. Hopefully, you jest
  18. My kids HS (Aledo) would kick Texas ass
  19. That guy in those jorts, and vest/no shirt, made me almost ashamed of our State
  20. 2:47 left We’ll just be lucky if KU doesn’t go for 2, after they score their forthcoming TD
  21. My only "trigger" was myself.......... I was primarily an "alone" drinker, at my house. I always knew the consequences of drinking & driving, I damn sure didn't want to spend a day in jail, and an arrest would have ruined my career. That's why I never attended happy hours. When I was home with family, or had company (watch games, family gatherings, etc...), I never hid my beer drinking.....BUT, I damn sure hid the hard stuff. I'd "sneak" off, and take 3-4 big swigs straight out of my hidden whiskey or vodka bottle, then return. To answer your original question.........back in my f'd up days, being around others drinking had zero effect on me....I was gonna do what I was gonna do, regardless. Now, in my 5-6 years of abstinence, I can be around a room full of drunks, and it still has zero effect on me....doesn't bother me in the least - doesn't make me want to "just have one." I'm focused, trying to stay principle driven.......I'm one of the lucky ones. I have too much to lose. Stay strong everybody \,,/
  22. My hope-to-be last seizure happened at a bank, and I was later told I fell straight back, and slammed my head directly onto the concrete floor. Ambulance arrived, and once at the hospital, they were considering drilling 2 holes in the back of my skull, to relieve the pressure and blood. Thank goodness my neurologist got there before they did that, and put that on hold.....he decided to see my progress over the following 2 days. That "significant" concussion is what caused all the speech / cognitive rehab I had to go thru. As Celery said, I don't think the majority of my remaining co-workers know or care.....but, the powers-that be do, but they never were, or have been, nothing less than awesome. 5 yrs, 8 months If I pulled thru, anyone can pull thru \,,/
  23. Dead-on correct
  24. Yes, they were seizures.....thank goodness never had a stroke.......and thank goodness none were while driving. Don't mind at all being asked.....I believe the first one was at age 48.....the most severe was at 49. I'm 55 now, and never been in better health. I love my neurologist - he shoots straight, but has a healthy sense of humor. I'll never forget him telling me that, while he can never definitely say that my drinking was the absolute "cause" of the seizures, "it certainly didn't help." I see him every 6 months...I always ask if the alcohol or seizures have caused my short term memory loss, and he makes me feel better by saying, "you're just getting old.....start taking notes." I'm so glad this thread exists
  25. Goodness Man, I felt the exact same way, until January 2014.......at that time, I was a long-term, flat-out, functional alcoholic. That's when I had seizure #4, and that last one was the eye opener. I won't bore everyone with my whole story, but the last seizure landed me in the hospital, then in-patient treatment for 1 month. Then, I had to attend daily, out-patient therapy for 3 additional months (full day, part cognitive/speech). I wasn't allowed to return to work, until given clearance by the therapist. I had to make a decision to not lose my kids, my job, my home, and my life. Never looked back, and have never had a desire to that return to my old ways. I wish everyone on here, the absolute best \,,/
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