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17 Good
  1. If all of the teams do it, especially if they continue to do it when not playing us it just makes it clear to everyone who the big brother is. will be interesting to see if doing it that way spread or they are just having fun because it is new and seen as the thing to do.
  2. Nah, it's just that the code just isn't enough anymore for him to be a good guy so that all of his misdeeds can be ignored and so that he can be an ass to all of the not good guys that don't follow the code. He upped his game to Jesus code so once again he is a good guy and can return to sheep fucking and its ok because he is a good guy and better than everyone else. I mean the sheep are honored to be fucked by one like him. But he gets lonely and wants some aggy to join him while he does so he can relive his corp experiences while he is at it.
  3. Our version was Crisco Twister... it a legitimate party game enjoyed by millions so nothing unsavory about that.
  4. He isn't is Boston.
  5. Cool. That's what my son plays in his high school marching band.
  6. Or is he just confirming that he isn't confirmed?
  7. because it takes three threads to contain the entire sentence?
  8. If you want to make sure he reads this, you need to add "Open letter to Billy" at the front.
  9. No, you want them to force him to hire an OC. Typically aggy would be for the admin to dictate who it is (some legacy) and then have the head coach and OC have constant infighting and obvious hostilities to keep the yucks up.
  10. Nah. Because he called it a process, where as Kanban is used to visualize the process. What a loser.
  11. Are y'all about to build a new storm wall? Just throw him in the deep end at first sign of rotation.
  12. no, all of my belarusian porn site are working fine on my iphone.
  13. Are all of those people in the picture in mid hurl and they just photoshopped that out?
  14. Can't have both. Either the 30 team thing is in play or the academic thing is in play. Not both. If the world is moving to a super league then it would be a question of if those expansion teams are in the 30 or out, why saddle yourself with more teams that aren't part of the final solution and would just make it more difficult to get there. Also makes the Texas/OK think make more sense to just dump everyone that ultimately isn't going to be in the big boy league.
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