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Everything posted by USC_TMB

  1. From what I’ve read, they were suspended from the team before being removed. I don’t see anything about being expelled. Edit: I see now that they are no longer enrolled at Ped St., whatever that means
  2. Stinking’ Pedo State gonna Pedo State. I suppose the upside is they are moving into more age-appropriate sex crimes? Gotta love the headline “former Penn State players…”, as if they had no connection to that festering program. They got kicked off because of the allegations. Fuck them
  3. Considering USC just signed a partnership agreement with Cookies CBD/wellness/cannabis (shhhh) company, that hatch has been thoroughly breached. No NIL contracts yet, but hold on.
  4. I realize I’m old and all that, but does anyone else cringe at the thought of a casino in Vegas (with a huuuge sportsbook) ponying up to pay a player, then covering the action on his replacement and the games?? Everyone knows the shady “no-show” jobs and bagmen were/are a thing forever, but this might just be the ultimate over-the-line scenario I’ve seen. Just my opinion, but damn. Just do away with the “amateur” label and pay the players.
  5. Jumping in late, but even Stevie Wonder could see something like this happening. I don’t know, or care about this guy, or unlv, but my spidey-senses are calling BS. IF there was a written agreement/contract, then pursue legal remedies, don’t run to X and say I’m taking my ball and going elsewhere. You’d think Guy Fieri would toss some coin his way. When I was doing consulting/contract work during the Dot-Com boom, there were constant offers of “perks and stock options” that were as much vaporware as the business model. The rule was, and still is… GET THAT SHIT IN WRITING! If you jump on a verbal agreement, that’s on you if it goes south. His parents/advisors/agent did him no favors. Imma is correct that nobody is going to offer this guy unless every QB on the team goes missing. Particularly as a player who isn’t going to sniff the NFL… if he was an elite QB, maybe, but if I was a player I’d wonder what his commitment is.
  6. I should have been clearer in my previous post (scrambling to get to a trade show), Kelly is an absolute piece of crap, zero argument there. He was fortunate to catch lightning in a bottle at Oregon, and had been on cruise control since. That being said, is it possible that he had an “I can’t do this shit anymore” moment (happened to me). Especially since he obviously didn’t like recruiting, being an administrator, NIL issues, the stuff they PAY you multiple-$millions for. The timing IS crappy, but how many of us would walk away from a guaranteed $6 million without a landing place? Hell, they most likely would have cut him loose this season anyway.
  7. That had more to do with the horrific state of the program more so than Kelly’s coaching prowess
  8. Wow, that writer comes off as a whiny bitch. I hate to see Kelly leave ucla for obvious reasons, but the guy realized he didn’t want to be a Head Coach anymore. Playing the “poor assistants out of a job” card is pretty disingenuous. Had he been fired, they would still be out of a job.
  9. Kind of a strange move, HC to OC in the same conference without being fired, but it could be that the new landscape of college football led to this. He may not be cut out or doesn’t want to deal with NOL, transfer portal, etc.. I’m not shocked to see coaches that have been around for a while say later with this nonsense. Or the Bucknuts offered him a metric crap-ton of money for less work.
  10. Holy crap… we all knew that the ncaa’s demise, the forming of a Super Conference/“alliance”, and the reconfiguration of sports broadcasting was coming… at some point down line. The speed of all this happening is mind-boggling. Obviously all of this has been in the works for years, just waiting for the first domino to fall, but damn. This went from zero-to-100 like a rocket.
  11. Well I’m sure nobody saw this coming. Hell, the BigSEC should just replace the ncaa with Surly posters, y’all have been way ahead of the process.
  12. You hate to see it…
  13. I just read an article which reports that California is considering banning tackle football for youths 12 and under. The bill is still in the debate stage, and a similar bill failed previously. If (and that’s a huge if) the bill passes, it would take effect in 2026. Does that open the door for banning high school football? Who knows, it is California. California’s recruiting prospects have fallen the past few years, and this won’t help that. As it is, high schools are limited to 2 contact practices a week and no contact practices during the off season. If California players are considered “soft”, lack of tackling practice is the reason. 20 years down the road, there may only be a handful of states which still allow contact football. How that impacts college football is unknown. Does it become strictly a “development league” for the NFL with a licensing deal for a few marquee schools? I wish I knew so I could lay money in Vegas.
  14. It started before his arrival, 7 years of helton killed off any interest
  15. I’m old AF, so being around in 20 years is a goal. Considering how rapidly college football has changed in the past couple of years, predicting the future is impossible for me. Once the “under-the-table” shenanigans morphed into “collectives” and the realignment roulette happened, all bets were off. I would guess that within 10 years (at the outside) college football as we know it will be an NFL minor league. Once the players gain legal employee status, and California is leading the charge on this, the universities will divorce the athletic departments for reasons stated by others. Personally, my give-a-damn is pretty much busted. I have watched possibly 3 games this season total across all teams. Regardless of the success/failure of USC, I’ve found other things to do. Keeping track of which player is going to be where next year, players opting out of games due to the draft or transfer, 30 year-old 10th year seniors, I’m over it. Damn shame since college football has given me years of memories during my time at USC, and a ton of entertainment in general.
  16. I want to wish y’all the best of luck in the playoffs, been out of the loop with family crap. Beat the living crap out of everyone, like they said in Major League…
  17. OK, which Surly poster goes by the name Mark Harris and works at Outkick? He used the “C” word (cult for those who don’t wish to read the article) https://www.outkick.com/why-lane-kiffin-didnt-take-texas-a-m-job-mike-elko-swaying-video/
  18. From Western Arizona, Happy Thanksgiving to the best collection of assholes on the web ✌️
  19. “Sure we cheated, but Ryan Day’s brother had some PI turn us in, so it doesn’t count” Seriously, I gave Meatchicken WAAAAAY too much credit… my bad. The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree defense would only apply in a criminal trial (IANAL obviously). Does Meatchicken really want to open that can of worms? Once bank records are looked at, there may be some inter-state payments made along with other actions that might catch the Feds attention. Not to mention the pedophile (alleged) and the other nonsense going on. What a shit-show, nuke it from orbit
  20. Someone just waltzed into the Rose Bowl locker rooms and made off with jewelry? Yeah I’m calling bullshit all day long on that one. Inside job or insurance scam for sure. And prime wants the NCAA or the Rose Bowl to pay for it?? Yeah, they’ll get right on that chief. How about they players leave their bling at home or CU can travel with a safe. Hell, I wouldn’t leave $5 in a locker at my own high school, let alone at an away venue. Forget teaching them about insurance, try teaching some damn common sense there.
  21. What the actual fuck??? This gets more bizarre the farther down the rabbit hole you go. Seriously, this HAS to be an intentional effort to torpedo Harbaugh, couldn’t happen to a better guy, but still. At the announcement of the whole Covid fiasco, I figured “meh… he’ll just bail for the NFL and that’s the end of it”. Worst-case scenario Directional Michigan gets the Death Penalty. I really don’t want to care, but every day some bat-shit crazy info comes out. Farther up thread I said that he must have pissed off somebody important, but holy crap this looks like an all-out fatwa. NCAA investigations take forever and any info is rumor or conjecture. The fact that so much has come out in a couple of weeks tells me that this has been a long time coming.
  22. Somebody has a serious hard-on for Harbaugh (obviously the NCAA, but someone outside). The dude must have pissed off everyone in the coaching world and killed some powerful leader’s puppy. The normal line of thinking is, sensitive information doesn’t just get out unless someone wants it out. For sure the “fan” is a complete moron the way he went about things, but the speed AND the depth of the information leakage makes me think this goes beyond just cheating. Harbaugh is seriously boned as far as collegiate coaching goes, Michigan will sacrifice him in an effort to save the “Harvard of the West” rep. Will an NFL team scoop him up? Hell, Belichick is still coaching, so…
  23. Good ride Cowboy, good ride…
  24. His statements regarding his faith do not line up with his actions. Believers are in this world, not of the world. When one accepts Jesus as their Savior, you are to leave your old life/persona behind. The bragging, self-aggrandizement, and worship of material things is not what the Bible teaches. Jeremiah 9:23 This is what the Lord says: “Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches. 1 John 2:16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. The list goes on and on. Right now in his walk, he is in the Joel Osteen, prosperity Gospel camp. Flame away, do some research before you do.
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