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  1. KD left OKC for a team that was coming off a 73-9 season. The same team who probably would have won if Draymond hadn’t gone full retard and gotten suspended. Then he walks around like he’s some badass. KD is not tough. He’s soft.
  2. Not difficult when it’s Lebron and 4 guys from the stands
  3. Only queers say LOL
  4. He’s trash. You have to be an exceptional homer not see past that.
  5. KD’s legacy was tarnished when he jumped on the bandwagon. I’m embarrassed to say he went to my alma mater.
  6. KD joined a 73-9 team. Excellence my ass
  7. Maybe KD will loosen up after they win tonight. The fake tough guy routine is old.
  8. So you would stay at a company where you got demoted? Or go somewhere else and start anew? Thinking he’d stay is just total hubris.
  9. Beck is not going to take a demotion. He’ll leave.
  10. Sad that he’s choosing between Arkansas and Arizona in the first place.
  11. We are giving him shit because he admires the hellraisers.
  12. You can make noise and not look like a jackass. Embarrassing as hell.
  13. I bet you are one of those individuals who supports the Hellraisers
  14. I’m just looking ahead to when he would be on the team. Seems like he’s more concerned with himself than the team.
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