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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. I’ve read on some gun forums that the didn’t think he necessarily was. First shot to the leg and all.
  2. I haven’t, because if I’m someplace remotely sketchy I want to be as alert as possible and have my hands free. But that’s just me. Can’t be on the list more than once.
  3. Fuck that. He said he was gonna pass a football out of his ass.
  4. It’s gonna be the most popular. Get one with a cover or lid. They have a ton of accessories for them. In reality, those things are all gonna be the same. Just pick out what BTU burners you want and get the 36”. You can get deals on them right. Tractor Supply has them on clearance. Blackstones website had some kind of deal the other day, not sure if it’s still going on.
  5. I started to tweet him when that went down and volunteer to be a sacrifice for a couple of tickets next season.
  6. There’s absolutely a cash price and insurance price for everything.
  7. That’s about the same thing Juan Davis did on the actual play.
  8. Is Etienne portaling out?
  9. That’s the replacement story for needing to find the stadium.
  10. And here we go/joker.gif
  11. Wish they had shown Taafe walking in with the #48 pocket square. Broughton had the last play blown up too.
  12. Yeah, the fact that aggy destroyed them should be proof. But gotta sec sec sec.
  13. That’s old news. We’ve known that for years. It’s the $ec way.
  14. He should have been incorporating some type of package all season. I hope he doesn’t do the same type of wildcat package they did with Johnson. Because it was always a run.
  15. That’s the same story Acho said about the last time Texas played aggy.
  16. Woodson returned kicks too didn’t he?
  17. I don’t doubt he is to an extent. I understand and agree with that to a point. But damn, he needs to quite praying the defense only gives up 10 points a game.
  18. Jkwellborn


    I thought he was last year.
  19. I’m doubting he stays though. It would be nice.
  20. I read that as pedo.
  21. Didn’t they start 7-1 or some shit?
  22. Courtesy of Maalik. I thought the same thing. Between the TE isn’t a sweep.
  23. They should have condemned the sign and left it at that. Punishing the student is a little much, considering the shit that gets talked between all rival fan bases. But in reality, someone probably gave the guy the idea, because I find it hard to believe they’ve been sitting on that for a couple of years. Lee.
  24. Saw a tweet about how much Jimbo was being paid daily by the ags. Some ags response? Sorry for being poor. lol
  25. Shit, get him some like Forrest Gump.
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