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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. I’ve got a magnum x5 and it’s great. I’ve also got a 360 vsp or whatever it’s called. It’s pretty good for smaller stuff. We have another Graco striper at work and it’s pretty good.
  2. Or teaching English in a foreign country?
  3. Yeah, I had a buddy whose dad picked up some for less than $100 new.
  4. We are also here for pictures of you with no eye brows.
  5. It’s been awhile since I’ve thought about them.
  6. Was it as much as your mom?
  7. Wife must have been catching some serious dick. Sorry for partying.
  8. I’ve been told that they sell a filtered propane. Not sure what that consists of.
  9. True. Shit like this is what keeps games from being great. They want all this extra customization and nonsense, especially if they can charge for it, instead of making sure the game is right.
  10. They provide tools? Cause those things are expensive.
  11. I’m betting 2037. He will be 79 that year.
  12. I was quoting the part about downloads and discs. Not sure why it went with the part about haptics.
  13. They did something like that in previous versions with the DualShock. Anyone wanna tell him?
  14. Away from that ass whipping. I think Texas could have practically named the score on that one.
  15. To quote Wolverine and Deadpool, “Let’s Fucking Go!’
  16. Lavar Arrington bent his facemask. That’s when he said fuck this, if I can remember what this is.
  17. It will be called the bonfire edition.
  18. Who knew Cam Newton posted here?
  19. That would have been excellent during Malikmas.
  20. Considering OP was talking about laying pipe, Shank may be a taker in (Now)this situation.
  21. Yeah, everyone in this thread knows that. We were discussing games being marked down, or on sale. This game won’t be one of them unless it’s for Christmas noobs. Also, bought a copy of NCAA 06 I think, VY was an absolute cheat code on that.
  22. This was one of the most popular sports games of all time. It’s been dead for over a decade. People have begged for a new one the whole time. I doubt it is on sale before Christmas.
  23. Have you bought many video games lately?
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