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Roger Kint

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Roger Kint

  1. The fridge sticking out so far from the left side cabinet/oven and not opening to the right drives me crazy.
  2. Yeah I know his position. I watch a lot of soccer mostly EPL. I don’t care what they do in other leagues. If the league is getting all this revenue they should have the best refs. It just isn’t the case. There are games where the yellow to red cards make no sense. Guess you all assume we pay for NY times.
  3. I think we can all agree EPL refs should be the best based on money the EPL brings in. However they suck and or are compromised. Michael Oliver is no different than Webb and Clattenburg They all reffed world class matches and had massive controversy. Full disclosure I am an Arsenal fan. I have never seen the bizarre calls against another top 6 team as have been given to Arsenal in EPL games since I have followed in 2002. Some of these games are like watching OSU vs UT
  4. Took a random call from a number from Belleville. Normally would ignore but was in a goofy mood so started off with “Greetings”. Turns out to be political poll. Cool haven’t don’t one before and figured what the hell. She Asked a few vague national, state and senate question including Allred and said was meh but would 100% vote for him over Ted. Then It got weird. It started focusing on Caroline Harris (got lumped in with this cunt after redistricting). These questions were so fucking weird. Shit like “Caroline Harris believes the economy is bad under Biden…”Her competitor Birkholz believes babies can be killed at any time. “Does that make you want to vote for Caroline more or less”. Wtf. What the hell kind of questions are these.
  5. Another florida team not making it to the playoffs…?
  6. Right as the wind was picking up too
  7. Yes I have been paying attention. You can’t state this is directly on Ted Cruz. You nor I have any idea what happens in their house. Yes he is a piece of shit as a public person anyone who follows politics should realize that. Kids have experiences. We don’t know if shitty Ted is direct result.
  8. No shit. I said it couldn’t have helped.
  9. As someone who had a mom attempt suicide… I don’t know anything about Ted as a father but he is a trash senator and a POS politically. My mom was kicked out of her house in the 70s due to not following her strict Methodist rules. I wish the best for his daughter. We can’t say it is due to him. But it couldn’t have helped.
  10. Ok. Maybe this has been mentioned before but who is still watching commercials? Switch the damn channel! It is you own fault watching that crap.
  11. MAGA is dead. Trump will fade bigly and at the same he will be pummeled in the courtand no one will care. Republicans will give the appearance they transitioned to human beings.
  12. If they are free….
  13. Going to miss these moments.
  14. Been watching F1 since 2010. Has their been a teammate do anything close to that before with so much on the line?
  15. I don’t have a problem with Merc complaining. I’m just saying it they didn’t pussy foot around they would have won the race regardless of masi.
  16. Merc was way too conservative with their tactics. They had the faster car so take a pit and pass the RB like you know you can. It took Max a solid effort to get pass LH who was on old tires whereas Max had both fresh and an ideal compound at the end of the race. Take Masi and his dumb decisions out of the equation, Merc dropped the ball.
  17. Not sure who could disagree with that.
  18. Well you see. The ball went off his foot a little weird and it couldn’t have possibly been due to Dickers leg getting hit. It must have a clean block causing the tipped sound.
  19. If you have a Chase credit card check the reward offers. Mine currently has a $5 rebate for the first month of Peacock.
  20. Fair enough. Interesting it is easier to have a kid than to foster or adopt. Have a kid all you want, but if you want to foster/adopt well…you need to be “qualified”
  21. A lot is a bit of an overstatement. A small faction…say a minority of pro-lifers foster let alone adopt. They are all talk. I have a family full of pro-lifers and neither them nor their friends would ever take in a foster child let alone adopt. They donate to charity but that’s the extent.
  22. This isn’t Tiger winning the Maters awesome but this is awesome.
  23. The diverging diamond at 1431 and I35 is awful if you plan to go north onto I 35 from 1431. It needs to be an overpass. But Round Rock doesn’t care about their portion of 1431...at all.
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