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  1. LMFAO. And still a better President than BHO.
  2. GotDamn that is one idiotic statement.
  3. Wow, talk about someone living rent -free in your head. You’ve officially gone off the rails.
  4. Okay but that doesn't change the fact that you and your ilk still are hypocrites when it comes to bashing DJT but giving BHO a pass.
  5. Nope, you fit right in with those with feigned outrage about DJT and everything he does. Don’t resist it, embrace it.
  6. Just pointing out your hypocrisy and those other people on the left. BTW mature response which seems to be SOP from those who have little to nothing to say.
  7. I guess you were screaming this SAME thing when the BHO Administration did it. When you are ARRESTED you are separated in custody. If someone legally in this country with children were arrested and booked for violating the law the same thing happens. Your fake outrage is fake.
  8. Oh-no. Now you’ve done it. The progressive/commies/dems/lib mafia will come and shout you down for DARING to disagree with their orthodoxy.
  9. And you just did.
  10. Oh the irony of that statement.
  11. Hunter you need to keep off the sauce. It's truly rotting your brain.
  12. The sad thing is that you actually believe that tripe you just typed.
  13. No you don't, you fucking love to.
  14. Oh yes it does.
  15. Nope, not easy just enviable.
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