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Everything posted by Tennesseehorn

  1. And if your Aunt had a dick sheā€™d be your Uncle. So the fuck what.
  2. You are talking about slick Willy arenā€™t you.
  3. Except that ainā€™t happening. The dems/commies/maoists/reds wonā€™t control shit.
  4. You sure that isn't a picture of the Tenderloin district in San Francisco?
  5. The winner of a poetry contest? Refugee advocate Emma Lazarus because it sure as shit ain't US policy.
  6. That is accusing BHO of doing nothing. You will be flogged for that my friend.
  7. Kinda like Clinton's motor-voter POS legislation that INVITES fraud.. YUP
  8. Yeah there are more crying closets in the Universities now so there's that.
  9. Let me guess----------------you thought our last CIA Director was aces.
  10. I see you didnā€™t like them ā€œcoloredsā€ stepping off the liberal plantation. Well done.
  11. I guess weā€™ll see in November. Something tells me youā€™ll be the one crying and not with tears of joy.
  12. Sorry you are wrong. As much as you and the others slobbering on this thread about a blue wave, it ainā€™t happening. Every dem in a Trump winning state will likely loseā€”-and that includes Tammy Baldwin in WI. I stand by my statements. The generic ballot is NOT looking for the dems. The more the dems and MSM (actually there is no difference) continue to trash Trump especially Mueller and his band of dem sycophants the higher Trumpā€™s approval rating will go.
  13. But still olā€™Hill was going to win going away. Nice try though.
  14. I'm afraid you are dreaming. Right now the blue wave is fiction. The GOP could pick up 5-7 Senate seats and the House will stay with the GOP. The generic ballot that a lot of the ā€œpunditsā€ use for the ā€œblueā€ wave prediction is close to the MOE. Trumps approval #s are getting much better. The dems will be crying like it was 2016 again.
  15. Hmmmm I guess Robert "The Perfect Reputation" Mueller has plumb fucking run out of collusion ideas/crimes. Hopefully he's on his last legs with this investigation.
  16. For my first post.............for HRC to deal with the Russians she would need to return the millions from WJBC's speech in Moscow and "donations" to the Clinton Slush Fund/Foundation
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