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Everything posted by George

  1. Crowd is definitely 3/4 utes. Not much green to be seen. stadium is bad ass.
  2. Walk from mandalay to the stadium was about as easy as it could get. A little bit of a hike but not bad at all.
  3. Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk’s still good.
  4. I’m out here for a conference and the wife is coming up for the weekend. She gets here late tomorrow night and I just realized the pac12 championship is here. Grabbed a cheap ticket and will report back on the walking situation this weekend.
  5. And you watched it?
  6. Ha ha nelson
  7. Fuck fuck fuck
  8. Long game by Jimbo. Take the L then bail to LSU.
  9. Please let this hold up and fucking okie state step up.
  10. Lol nice push off.
  11. Dude gifted them 40 seconds
  12. Bad snap? Time to take TO and retry.
  13. Star fucker
  14. Is that how you’re supposed to use a time out?
  15. Lmfao. 3rd string keeps tha int streak alive. Wtf did I just turn on.
  16. That sequence was great. Bring in Rosen. Stats on screen and joe buck about as unimpressed as you can get. First play - pick 6
  17. So can y’all elaborate a little on the self own with autistic guy? What happened?
  18. We’ve had our new rig out a couple of times and other than the dog predictably running through the screen door everything seems to work well. Hoping y’all can help me identify a few things. 1. I’m trying to figure out what this plug is for. The cord coming off of the bottom is what connects to land power. We do have an onboard generator so not sure if it has something to do with that. 2. can you help me identify these valves? I think the red might be tied to the water holding tank. Assume the two on the blue pex are the low water drains. To winterize I assume just open those up to clear lines, drain water heater, then add some antifreeze? 3. I’d like to upgrade/replace the OTA antenna. Interested in adding a WiFi/cell booster too. Are those DIY or worth hiring it out? I don’t have any experience with roof sealing and don’t want too mess it up. Dog on the right is the one who took out my screen door. Hopefully an easy enough fix. Probably need to put a big X with masking tape or he’ll do it again.
  19. Do you blame him?
  20. Fuck you Iowa State.
  21. Yeah. That one is pretty annoying.
  22. I get 2 bars of 5g in my hood and no service. So fuck y’all
  23. We know enough about your culture to know you fucking suck.
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