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Everything posted by harpercollins

  1. Hurleys gum chewing is meme worthy. Ew.
  2. I paid $1250. My friends and I have all used him before and been happy with his work. I reached out to let them know I wasn’t happy with it and why. They apologized and said they would get back to me. Realistically what are my options? Should I just paint it? Or return it and risk burning a bridge? I’m disappointed with more than the species. It just doesn’t look very well done— super blotchy with visible planing marks. Drawer mechanism seems wonky too. I honestly don’t consider myself super picky, and I definitely bear some responsibility for not asking more questions and drawing up a contract. (In retrospect I think I was reluctant to do anything that would slow it down because i ordered it in October and it took several follow up texts to get any movement on it all.)
  3. I took delivery on this custom vanity an hour ago, and I am realizing now that I am pretty disappointed in how it turned out with respect to the inspiration image I sent the carpenter. The color of the stain doesn't necessarily bother me per se, but the prominent wood grain makes it look rather rustic, when this tiny powder room is probably the most formal room in my house. The cabinets have a noticeable gap as well. Can someone take a guess at what type of wood this is? Is there anything that can be done to make it look a little less country? I guess I could paint it, but I'm annoyed as I paid extra for stain grade wood.
  4. Another thing that has me scratching my head-- I went to a giant 6A school in Texas that had multiple DI athletes in a few sports and even multiple professional athletes. I knew literally zero kids on any varsity sports team as they were celebrities. Here in our smallish city all of my friends' (white, upper-middle class) kids play varsity sports at the 4A and 5A schools. I'm guessing there's a huge difference in the large metropolitan schools vs the schools in smaller cities, and less of a difference in the 1-3A schools.
  5. time is the primary reason we have not considered club sports. are club sports in cities with <100000 people really legit?
  6. Exactly the feedback i was looking for!! thanks.
  7. She plays everything we offer. Volleyball, cross country, basketball, soccer, track, tennis, powerlifting. Her favorite is whatever season it is. She was state mvp for basketball but I don’t consider that her best sport. I have no idea how she would stack up against high competition club sports athletes. I don’t even know if my smallish city has that. She is better than the other girls on her school teams that play club sports. Small. 5'4" and probably mostly done growing.
  8. I am finding myself doing what I said I would never do, that is exploring what it would take for my kid to play sports in college. I’m not talking D1 or anything, but after sending my oldest to college, I like the idea of a coach monitoring her attendance in class and her grades. She is a diligent student but has moderately severe dyslexia and average intelligence. Based on PSAT performance her sat/act scores will be below average, so I’m wondering if playing a sport could help her gain admission as well if she is a borderline candidate as I expect she could be. 1) how do we even know if this is possible? We often have strangers approaching us telling us that she should play in college, but we have always blown them off presuming they are trying to get her to play on their select team (a world we have never considered due to having five kids). 2) she goes to a newer small private school (c 200 alumni) and no one has ever played college sports. Is there something the school would have to do? To this point all of her coaches have been volunteer parents. 3) what sport would be a good place to start? She loves them all, and is almost immediately the best player on any team no matter how new she is to the sport. I can’t imagine her successfully competing against kids who have been playing select soccer, basketball or volleyball for years, but, then again, she does and she does great. 4) Im definitely not objective, and small private school sports is not that great of competition. So it seems like if we had college caliber athletes in our league, they would be going on to play in college, right? Should I just put this out of my mind? I don’t want to put any ideas in her head where she’d feel disappointment if it didn’t work out, or worse that she had disappointed us.
  9. Can you DM me Lucy's info, @rage-a-holic?
  10. Thanks for weighing in. The letter apologizes for violating the reasonable boundaries established by the victim in adulthood, but not for the abuse in childhood and adolescence that prompted the boundaries. In some ways the letter itself is a violation of the boundaries, because the victim went no-contact after the most recent violation. (The boundary was meeting only in public places, but the abuser went to his house with another family member to visit his children when the victim was not there. The letter apologizes for that, ie Im sorry I did not respect your wishes not Im sorry that I molested you.) Is he maybe differentiating in making amends those actions done under the influence or not? I am encouraging him to work with a therapist in deciding if and how to respond.
  11. need to switch plans today--obviously the 3 and 4 month plans are a lot cheaper. Any insight on what might happen in the next year with pricing?
  12. Someone I love received a letter this weekend from his sibling who is NA and making amends, but the offenses did not include sexual assault which obviously is the main offense. He is wrecked over this letter, completely unmoored and in anguish. Do you guys have any experience with anything like this that might help him deal with this?
  13. I highly recommend Graham Traylor. He has a full time college advising job for a Christian school in Sugar Land maybe? but takes a few clients as well. DM for his number.
  14. Hilarious promo idea
  15. Has anyone put a bidet seat on a round toilet? My new toilet closet is small, so a round toilet will work a lot better than an elongated, but I read one review that said bidets take up too much room in round toilets.
  16. I have one more meal on my long wknd trip—where should I go for brunch or lunch tomorrow? Anywhere from Carmel by the sea to San José. Would love a piece of fresh fish, but doesn’t have to be fish as I’m pretty sure my husband is out of his little individual serving packets of Tony Chachere, and we don’t have any Crystal with us either.
  17. It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.
  18. Yes just a new partition wall. It does have a decent header already. Just need to finish framing it out.
  19. no idea what happened there on the quote. it won't let me edit for some reason.
  20. I had planned on getting my framer to frame out the frame since I’m building the wall from scratch. Will that work?
  21. I think I answered my own question for #3. The length of the running track must be shorter than the diagonal clearance (P2) by at least 80 mm (3 5/32''). LMB = inside clearance LMH = inside height STB = sliding door width P2 = diagonal clearance LS = running track
  22. I linked the wrong Hawa Junior in my post earlier.
  23. can someone mansplain how to order a pocket-door system to me? I want to spend more for pocket door hardware that actually works, so I'm considering the Hawa Junior. Any opinions on this? I'm also getting varying info on what size door my tiny wall can accommodate. I have 57.5" from stud to stud--does that mean I have to use a 24" door or is it possible a 28" door could work? The pre-drilled upper track comes in 55.125" and 63". Is the 55" big enough for the 57.5" opening or should I buy the bigger one and find someone to cut it down?
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