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Everything posted by Stros

  1. She will write another letter for the next nomination.
  2. It’s his job.
  3. Maybe her and her lawyer know the fbi doesn’t investigate these matters. She should ask the AG of Maryland.
  4. I want them to get to the bottom of it. My problem is that everyone that is anti-trump believes everything that has come out of someone’s mouth without vetting who they are, and what actually happened. If it’s he said she said it will be really fucked up and that’s what the left wants. Because the accuser is the only person who remembers the assault 36 years ago at a keg party while being drunk.
  5. People keep telling me the building is on fire, but I can’t see the fire.
  6. Do we have proof of these death threats? What does anyone know about this woman? Give me something so I can understand why the left trust her every word.
  7. She is a hero to the left. She will get a high paying job win or lose from the left. She will be a rockstar to the left if it crushes Kavanaugh.
  8. If someone fucked up my life 36 years ago for assaulting me, and it effects my life everyday. I would want to get that monkey off my back ASAP. Why did she not do this in 2012? Because she’s a liberal activist. This is all politics, nothing more nothing less. I can admit, I can’t stand looking at and hearing about Trump and his stupid fucking tweets everyday. He’s far from the best president we have ever had in this nation. I will admit, I voted for Trump only to cast a vote against Hillary. Can you admit this is all about politics? Do you think it’s odd Dr. Ford doesn’t remember the house, the date, or any people from when this assault occurred? Why did she clear her social media? Why did she contact a lawyer 5 months ago and do a polygraph administered by her lawyer? Why will Dianne Feinstein not let Grassley look at the original letter? Why did Dianne Feinstein sit on the letter for 5 months? Holes man, a lot of holes.
  9. Why did she come out to her therapist in 2012? Because Mitt Romney had Brett Kavanaugh on his short list for SC appointees. https://www-m.cnn.com/2012/09/30/politics/court-romney-list/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%
  10. Is Bernie a socialist? Did you vote for him?
  11. So you went from a Republican to a socialist?
  12. Crack kills kids.
  13. “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.
  14. So the lie detector test was given in her lawyers office, by her lawyer.
  15. Yes, they’re desperate.
  16. How do you know she’s not the liberal activist bully?
  17. I think Ford’s parents should be charged with child endangerment, for letting there 15 yo daughter go to a keg party 36 years ago.
  18. My fantasy team thanks him!
  19. Stros

    Cruz vs Beto

    If Cruz doesn’t come out and support Brett Kavanaugh he will not get my vote.
  20. My wife a 2 daughters are laughing at the political bull shit.
  21. Where is your proof? She doesn’t remember anyone at the party, where the party was, or when the party was. For all we know it could have been a wet dream.
  22. I must have struck a nerve. I will leave the liberal safe space for the night. Carry on circle jerking each other into a trump hate coma. Go Stros, big game tonight!!!
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