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Everything posted by KeysPhoneWallet

  1. Card panics and he doesn’t trust himself to stand tall and make the throw so he falls back on the good ol’ trusty scramble-your-way-out option. This is what a lot of people who excel in hs bc they are athletic do bc they never had to learn to depend on the vision/read/throw to be there when shit goes wrong. People who excel because of their arms and aren’t as athletic are forced to figure out how to handle panic with their arms. We don’t want a panicking scrambler qb. We want someone who can beat the opponent with their arm. You can see it in the spring game, card bails when he feels pass rush and it is almost always bad, ewers stands tall and makes throws down field. All ewers needs to do is learn the check down, play check type shit. The hard part is there naturally for him. He’s a gambler, he trusts himself, he stays calm, he’s accurate down field.
  2. So our best 5 OL might be banks,hutson, C, Campbell, Williams. 4 fucking freshman plus the best non-freshman at center? God damned that means either the freshmen are just that insanely good, or the rest of our roster sucks that much. Given our record the last couple of seasons, I’m not comfortable betting against the roster sucking. Teams full of great players win, given we haven’t been winning the probability of having had great players isn’t looking good. Bayes in the house…
  3. Then help me out, I’m dope and I do dope shit
  4. Longhorn groups and bourbon groups. There are circles of people that have dope access. The move is to be in those circles. Gotta figure that out
  5. I definitely disagree that scheme couldn’t have helped. We played a scheme that didn’t fit the players and doesn’t fit who we’re recruiting. Remember when Greg Robinson came in mid season and made something out of the _iaz shitshow? We just needed not bad last year and we could have been 8-5
  6. QE’s talent vs card looked clear in the spring game and Card’s only advantage, reportedly, is he’s had an extra year of reps. It seems like this game of splitting reps is only slowing QEs progression and maybe it’s to keep card from transferring, but I wish they’d just put everything into QE development.
  7. Card still looked like he panics and resorts to his feet a lot. QE didn’t seem to panic, trusted his throwing game, the ball jumped out of his hands. But he didn’t look like he knew what her was doing all the time.
  8. Our complete lack of lb recruiting is what made hall so important...
  9. Hill is a good player and a big loss. Aggy has a lot of great talent on defense coming together and that is a legitimate rationale for a guy like him. Plus they were desperate for the win which undoubtably showed up as suggested. We should keep open eyes about any defensive prospects right now, all we have is a vision we can sell, pk or Patterson need to make some tape that we can sell during the season. It’s shaping up like a #1 offense vs #1 defense type of battle when we meet on the field again.
  10. Stuff like this is true until it’s not. Every year is a new team even if it has the same players. These things are easy I-told-you-so statements, if you are wrong it means the team did well and hooray, if you are right it means you were nails before the season started.
  11. Has anyone complained yet about the senselessness of splitting Tyler smiths rookie reps between guard and tackle? My belief is that rookie oline expecting to start need every rep they can get in their role with the other starters to develop the synergies that oline play depends on. Splitting his reps means he got half the practice that he should have all because the coaches won’t make up their mind on what he will play for this season. Zach Martin could split reps at tackle without missing a beat in his role, but Tyler probably needs to focus on one thing and get good at it.
  12. The basement of the place was a great place to park and study. I liked it.
  13. If his scheme is a way of maximizing lower tier talent, then it might not be a fit for what we’re trying to do here.
  14. If you can’t get elite pass rushers then you get end setters and fast guys behind them or run a 3-4 or some other scheme way to to generate disruption. If you can get elite pass rushers you do it because getting pressure with fewer people is a huge advantage. Gettin pass rush and generating penalties and play disruption is hugely valuable.
  15. For sark or pk? If it’s for pk, then it should be done already.
  16. The idea of ends holding the edge and others cleaning up the play sounds disastrous. I don’t think we have the linebackers for it, and I don’t blame pass rushers for being uninterested in the job. Feels like a situation where the coach and his system is rigid and isn’t optimized to the personnel which is almost always a mistake. Players are hard to get and pipeline talent is everything. Schemes and coaches can be changed a lot more easily. *Patterson to line 1 please….
  17. I get a chuckle every time these recruiting guys talk about a kids decision making process. They talk about it like it’s a horse race and a decision between two final schools is rounding the final turn. Have they ever made a decision before does anyone make decisions that linearly?? They all use the same type of narrative to describe things. It’s 100% fan fiction.
  18. Almost like all the hand wringing over recruiting ratings is given more importance than it’s worth
  19. Ewers has natural arm talent that jumps off the screen. I think mahomes arm talent is a real comparison. He dominates without being a scrambler which means he’s learned to dominate from the pocket and has the natural instincts that follow from there, which will pay off more and more as he moves up in football.
  20. Yes! Watching the pieces come off the board tightening the noose and the coming to grips with that lose-to-Kansas story not playing out. Watching the slow death of this narrative is going to be fun.
  21. Recruiting seems to be working a lot like musical chairs this year and aggy has no one committed. At some point soon there just won’t be enough prospects left for them to have a good class. More and more they will be forced to convince themselves they will flip people once the season starts but flipping is harder now with early signing day and nil. Not having a class put together should be a big red flag, but they just keep shifting their targets. When we take Baxter, hill, hicks, toviano, gullette off the board. There won’t be anyone left. It will be glorious!
  22. Fuck right. I’m 100 in on this new way of doing things. What matters is football and smearing shit in mfer faces. Fuck losing and fuck a slice, we coming for the whole pie!
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