So excited for the game, I feel like we’re playing with house money now, and, frankly, that we are the most complete team in this thing. Specifically vs Washington, I wonder if we’ll play 2 safeties over to take out the deep ball. But make not mistake, Washington’s is going to try to run the ball against us, and our reputation past success won’t make the plays though, we’ll have to and I think that part of the game is being assumed too easily by analysts. I know, I know, we are the best against the run, we have badass DTs, we stopped Ollie whatshisname, and that’s all true, but we’ll have to stay humble and stop this Washington oline/rb as well, and they are the best we’ve faced all year, at least I hope the team is planning for it with that mindset. Where we really have the advantage is our offense vs their defense. We ended the year on fire with an elite passing attack that was carving fools up. Hope that continues but these long breaks cause a discontinuity that is hard to account for. The team will be healthy and prepared, but will they have their battle-forged edge? Will they be smelling the kill like they have been the last two outings? That’s is impossible to know until game day. Also, I see Apple News+ just added “the athletic,” should I give a fuck about that?? rush triangle