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  1. No, no - post more and the multi paragraph stuff, please.
  2. I believe the dipshit you’re searching for is dahobbs, but the number was 45k. I don’t think there has been a single death prediction in the thread that hasn’t come in under. Unless you side with Texarcher that ‘few’ means 14 days.
  3. Most of the OC beaches are closed as well. I heard Newport is still open, but the rest are shut down. Laguna closed their beaches earlier than LA county. In general, OC is following LA county rules/suggestions with a few day lag.
  4. So now all those that were insisting on doomsday death totals were just presenting potential models? Right.
  5. Isn’t the airport in Victorville just cargo/distribution only? Would be weird to have passengers.
  6. Lighten up Francis. He was giving total tests figures and you asked where the numbers were coming from.
  7. They do continue to play that role. It wasn’t just initially. Nothing to do with our response. . .
  8. It’s not an accurate reflection of the intent of the CFR figure. We don’t know cases by a magnitude and we obviously don’t have a perfect grasp on deaths. However, CFR is intended to predicted the likelihood of death if you contract the illness and the numbers you’re using for that are wrong. If you want to put the data out, go ahead, but take the care to label it correctly.
  9. You should at least start using CCFR like everyone else
  10. Somnio is obsessed with the idea of the CFR going ‘up’. It’s weird - he’s done this multiple times.
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