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Everything posted by akhornfan

  1. Just remember the CFR is 3%. 1 million US are going to die. Your relatives are being wiped out as you type.
  2. As of 3/16 we were and one half a day forward you won’t even try the argument.
  3. You’re missing the point. I said were ahead and you did all kinds of effort to argue against. Then 10+ hours later all of a sudden you don’t care
  4. We’re at +1,600 today. At least. You still think we’re testing behind Italy??
  5. Testing is beyond important. Which I’ve said all the way through. It invalidates the ideas that the CFR is 3% or 2% or 1% or whatever number you want to walk it down to. Testing, time and some reasonable thought will also prove that we’re not on Italy’s trajectory. On 3/11 they also announced ~2,000 new cases but also 200 deaths. But remember their deaths have been at 350 for the last 3 days. You stated 2,000 new cases and followed it with everyone will start realizing it’s ‘sweeping’ through their relatives. You have to start understand the numbers and cut it out with your panic bullshit.
  6. Right - that’s the lesson to learn from more cases. It means we’ve increased testing capacity. You have to start following deaths instead of obsessing about cases
  7. What we don’t know is when the death total flatten out, then what happens next. China figures are dubious, Korea didn’t have enough deaths to be relevant and who knows with Iran. Italy: 3/17 345 3/16 349 3/15 368
  8. I didn’t say I care but claiming that the chart is education the idiot masses is ridiculous. I’m not going to get into a pissing match with our over how you’re choosing to line up the charts, but we did equal to more testing than they did on 3/11 or 3/12 than the comparative 3/6. Are you telling me you really think we did fewer tests on 3/16 than they did on 3/6? I know you don’t. We’re ahead of Italy on testing -10 or -11 days.
  9. Read the twitter comments when one of those charts is posted and tell me how educated everyone is getting. The ones who didn’t understand exponential growth now think everyone is going to die and create panic. That is not better. Maybe not worse, but certainly not better. Stupid will always be stupid
  10. You do see that 3/12 - 3/16 is missing on counts because the CDC isn’t accumulating totals right?
  11. look at the first chart. Our 3/11 is larger than their 3/6. And you know out 3/16 is greater than our 3/11 so we’re ahead of their testing at the dates that keep getting lined up in the charts
  12. Italy vs US Testing at the same points lined up on the chart US is testing ahead of Italy
  13. That’s one of the worst parts of this going. Trying to figure out how to support the small businesses in our area.
  14. You bitched me out so hard for making this exact point hundreds of pages ago. Glad to see you’re coming around.
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