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abuelo gringo

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About abuelo gringo

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  1. Will that include ketamine? Asking for a friend of the president.
  2. Currently reading Shirer's Rise and Fall. The SA is exactly what came to my mind when reading Jive Turkey's post quoting Brian Stelter.
  3. He's already indicated to the J6 rioters that what they did was fine.
  4. Seconded. I generally don't like flavored chips. HEB had a dollar off on two packages of chips, so I thought I would try them. Very good.
  5. Similar to ArmyBrat, my grandkids are mostly no longer kids, but they are still one of my greatest delights. The youngest is twelve and won't be for much longer. The other three are in college. Watching them grow up has been wonderful and much less stressful than raising their parents. I still remember the oldest being the star of my retirement party when she was almost one year of age. She will be 24 later this year. Like Brat, no ggrands on the horizon.
  6. Can you imagine what the terrorists are thinking? Meanwhile, we load up our FBI and CIA with unqualified toadies.
  7. abuelo gringo

    Fire Aid

    Also replay on Amazon Prime. NB 5 hrs 50 min long.
  8. The pr folk for the Bob Dylan Center scored, placing an ad there with Chalamet doing Dylan songs and the interest in A Complete Unknown.
  9. On last night's SNL episode with Timothy Chalamet, they ran a commercial for the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa. Smart aid placement, with Chalamet doing BD numbers and the success of A Complete Unknown.
  10. Point 1: agree Point 2: strongly disagree
  11. "You're an idiot, Babe, It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe."
  12. Cattle cars.
  13. About the only thing I like about cold weather is the food. On Monday, the wife made tortilla soup, which was good for then and Tuesday. On Wednesday I did a pot of chili and the wife made cornbread, which we had that night. Today, we had chili over corn bread with cheese on top and faux frito pie (tortilla chips, as we didn't have Fritos). Had lots of chili left to freeze for the next cold spell. Maybe I'll make it to Spring.
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