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Everything posted by clownin72

  1. Some will never understand the joy and relief this carries. Only thing worse would be Beth with Lowell.
  2. Please put the foot on the throat already. No close game
  3. Fuck you Lowell and fuck these bitch ass targeting rules. Such a bullshit call. Face to face tackle is targeting. GTFOH
  4. Not a fucking force out and not a catch. Come on already
  5. Here we go with the fucking non tackling shit again
  6. clownin72


    It's scary how good Kansas is looking.
  7. Man leave GP alone and go after Dan Mullen or something
  8. Didn't take long for Corso to go off on a tangent about Sark right in the middle of the Florida/Kentucky discussion. GP coach in waiting hmmmm
  9. Don't know how Askew gets any playin time. His scary ass is horrible. Shoot the fuckin ball
  10. Fuckin dude closes out on Carr shooting the 3 so he can't land but we get the flop warning.
  11. Patterson will get an office as an advisor and after the Bama game next season he will take over as DC. I think we all see where this is going
  12. Of course not. Boosters already had a hard on for Sark, complete tunnel vision.
  13. Well shit......countdown then???
  14. Totally on board to fire the fucking fraud. Another Sark led undisciplined and uninspired team just like USC and Washington. He still ain't shit. Fire his ass effective immediately
  15. This shit just keep getting more and more embarrassing. I didn't think I'd ever see another Texas coach as bad as CS. And here we are. Herman's smug ass is somewhere just laughing away
  16. Looking good.......Kansas. This fuckin team has some serious issues.
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