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Everything posted by clownin72

  1. Fuckin serious turtle action way early in the 4th. Come on already
  2. Shocker they scored on a db. Do they seriously not teach backs to tuen the fuck around and play the ball anymore
  3. This shit is so sad but comical. They can't get out of their own way.
  4. His face is saying "You wanna punch me right now don't you, but you won't......" Fuccckkkkkkkk youuuuuuu Tommy
  5. Motherfucker the lack of effort is in the coaching staff. Fuck off Tom
  6. Yep give them about 20 mins and watch the smug motherfucker make excuses
  7. Go fuck yourself you cocky, narcissistic, gum chewing motherfucker
  8. Thanks for the reminder, Texas volleyball @ 7. Fuck this football shit
  9. Fixing to get gashed because our dumbfuck play calls
  10. Fuckin great play calling on 3rd and 4th downs. Just morons
  11. Throw in grandpa also was a qb at Texas and I'll take the over. Fuckers will thrive on that shit.
  12. No I wouldn't say we were out coached. Really fucking Tom, really
  13. Dumbest shit ever, play to fucking Herman. Those conservative calls are shit. Never play to not lose
  14. Other that almost getting the delay penalty I can't believe I just seen an actual play that looked right
  15. Very small possibility tho, their coach is better prepared than ours
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