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Everything posted by clownin72

  1. Honestly without Rojo and Duvs we would be a 3 win team so far, if that
  2. Burn burn burn. All Tom will do is blame it on inexperienced corners and not learn jack shit. This shit is done
  3. Don't worry about that block in the back on the return either. Bitch ass refs
  4. So the running game was so efficient in the first half, we scrap it and throw bullshit all the second half. Definitely more of those sweet screens those are awesome
  5. Shitty no call but damn this offense has become so predictable most of the time
  6. It's like ice seen that say play 5 times tonight and the receiver was wide open every fucking time
  7. Not a one fkn db has played the fkn ball. Turn the fuck around.
  8. Fuck you Galindo and I'm already tired of Brooks and his hard on for Carter Stanley
  9. Brewer has both hands on the fucking ball clear as day. Tornado boy had one. Fucking bullshit call
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