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Everything posted by clownin72

  1. Nice senior moment. Now send these boys out with a big W for their last game at DKR
  2. How the fuck this shit is not on fox sports southwest is beyond me
  3. Fuck you classless west virginia fucks. Horns down karma little bitches
  4. Don't really give a fuck about Bonney. He's a non factor
  5. Stuck his bitch ass. Wish Roach would have got him back there
  6. Remarkable job by the refs. Yea a fucking job alright on Texas
  7. Team can't close for shit. Soft Tom Herman culture.
  8. This shit is garbage. Tom your team is undisciplined and you suck
  9. How do you not review the first down play. It's bullshit
  10. Big 12 refs are the absolute worst in the country. A total disgrace
  11. Hey let's keep these tortilla throwing bitches in the game. What a joke
  12. Maybe the fuckin hold on 79 trying to stop him from getting to Duffy should have been called
  13. Fuck this shit and we'll lose wheeler. Fuck you bitch ass refs
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