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Everything posted by clownin72

  1. Devin said fuck that this is my shit
  2. Shit about time they try to hit the middle of the field
  3. Are you fucking kidding me with the play calls
  4. Slant much, middle of the field. Oh and agreed Sam is not the man
  5. Can we go fuckin score already.
  6. We are in no better position this year than last with this offense. Actually worst because Herman's cocky ass will not play Shane
  7. Still confused on why the fuck is Sam rolling out to the left to throw. Fucking stupid, great scheme
  8. Probably the same reason we'll never get any pressure on a punter for a block. Soft
  9. Now I've seen some weird shit. What a turn
  10. Holy shit lol. That was a safety
  11. Way to fucking go. Texas loves to step on their own dicks
  12. And the tackling epidemic is still in Austin.
  13. If Davis had his head out of his ass there he could of had the pick
  14. Well why the fuck would you run when you can throw the ball like that on us
  15. Who gives a shit. He came up with it anyways. Fucking momentum killer
  16. Great fucking effort on the wrap up. Bitch shit
  17. Herman is too fucking cocky to get out of his own way. Beck better be gone soon or Herman's dumb ass won't make it past next year. Now Maryland can go 4-8 again. Stellar game UT
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