Thoughts on the Netflix doc:
This Billy guy hired one video production crew for the initial publicity video with all the models on the island, and asked them to film literally everything like the b-roll was going to be a gold mine for any after the fact video productions or maybe he was crazy enough to think that there would be an after-the-fact "Making Of..." type of doc some day. The editing for the promo video was done on the island even thought the internet access wasn't good enough to start the promotional campaign. The stuff after the festival, Billy hired another video outfit shooting him in the penthouse, and was asking one guy from the video crew some very specific questions about his time in prison. That footage was almost hard to believe they would let anyone shoot it, they are basically planning how to use their email list to scam the same people over again for NYC VIP ACCESS. Again, this was a full video and editing crew like they were planning to release some of the footage down the road for some reason. I am guessing that in the end neither film/video crew were paid for their services, and they probably had dozens or hundreds of hours of the guy with the big stomach just walking around bragging about selling people a fantasy of living the high life.
Was one of the talking heads a dj? I can't remember but I thought he said something about playing dance music when the festival attendees started to arrive? I am too lazy to go back and look it up.