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  1. Perfect god damned example of why you shouldn't think. You're my number one drag aggy, girl.
  2. Look at Walden. Perfect example of using as many five dollar words as possible while saying absolutely nothing. I mean you guys do see you're making my argument for me? Or does the group think prevent you from seeing it?
  3. Boy I know you really want to believe that. Surly you don't believe all longhorn fans are as self absorbed and ignorant /prone to group think as as you? I certainly acknowledge the infinity that is Aggy delusion and mediocrity. Doesn't mean I can't see it in you little bitches. Again that's what makes you drag aggy
  4. If you knew me you would know I never raise my voice or allow idiots to fuse me to their idiocy. I can smile and call you what you are. Drag aggy
  5. There's that liberal arts degree coming in handy again. It's a banner day for Bonny. You ever think that this boards sense of entitlement pushes recruits away? Do you think young men don't read your self fellating group think and say, why would I want to play at a school that pretends to be so great when there are multiple schools that have won more than one Natty in past thirty something years.... Pfft this board is full of Drag Aggy.
  6. Amen. It's true. I think you're all a bunch of jock sniffing entitled worthless turds who's daddy and mommy paid for you to go to ut and thats is the greatest thing you ever accomplished. It makes you think you can tell grown ass men what they can say to a pimp like fwk. Like Huckleberry said. I don't. I mean at a cellular level I could give a fuck. I honestly see you as worthless empty suits with degrees in liberal arts. I mean seriously worthless. So really why would you think I could care of your opinions of me? I only posted the fact I sent a text to illuminate the fact it wasn't fwks number. You fucks don't know what native Austin folks really think of you pretensious fucks. Our family was here long before your little school was. You fucks actually think there is a difference between your delusion and Aggy delusion... There isn't. You're just more pretensious in your retardation. Now to summarize; fuck all you little bitches as a Veteran I reserve the right to tell anyone who tries to use group think, to alter my freedom to call a pimp a pimp, to fuck the fuck off. No one here that pulls that kind of water.
  7. If by jail you mean the beach in Pacific Beach Washington then ya got me.
  8. They can't. It would mean that they lose the only thing they have. The sense of entitlement that tells them that they can group think themselves into relevance. It's a educated idiot tradition.
  9. That's because you're a semi educated idiot. Try harder Sarge.
  10. Like I said. Idiots
  11. I've seen Willie run out of cash and a few (very few) times I've seen him run out of patience. The one thing he's never done in the forty five years of our association is run outta weed or jokes.
  12. Price Waterhouse got Willie into trouble not anyone in the Family. Dad and Coach Royal were Paramount in getting Willie back on his feet. They banded together to buy most of Willie's actioned belongings. Like I said.... educated idiots.
  13. I had a fifty fifty chance of telling that piece of shit what was on my mind. Hydraulic King agreed he was a piece of shit and that's why he made it public. Only people that have a problem with it are the surly thought police and bleeding vaginas who think they own something here. As far as the negs i could give a shit. I don't want pussy ass limp wristed entitled jock sniffers to "like" me anyway. Dad used to say that UT puts out a lot of "educated idiots" well, I found out where they all hang out.
  14. I'll give you a huge clue. Good luck. https://www.texasmonthly.com/the-culture/poor-willie/
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