Thanks, the carriers concern seems very legitimate. The rule requires foreign carriers, such as carriers in India, to better block robocalls to the U.S. The U.S. carriers say some foreign carriers, such as those in India, don't have the capacity to identify and block robocalls to the U.S. The result would be blocking too many calls from India. So Americans' relatives in India would have a tough time calling their family in the U.S. The FCC can't increase Indian carriers' ability to stop robocalls via fiat.
If you think corporate America has captured the FCC to allow it to continue to make robocalls as you indicated earlier, you're delusional. Corporate America is not interested in spoofing numbers and robocalling people to scam them about auto warranties, pretending to be the IRS or SSA, etc. The people making these calls are not corporations lobbying government officials. They are crooks without FCC connections.