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Everything posted by CDAK

  1. Wow, I'm also more focused on the horns this weekend. I didn't realize our offense was historically bad.
  2. My first live no hitter. I guess that's some solace.
  3. Big 8th inning. Will be very nice if Kyle Lewis fully regains his form from last year.
  4. The Star Wars conversation was slightly uncomfortable. Austin clearly had never seen any Star Wars movie and didn't know shit about Star Wars. Yet, they kept asking him Star Wars trivia.
  5. I think proponents of Prop B believe that it will improve their and their neighbors' quality of life. They don't think it will solve homelessness. Mitigating homelessness will have to be some indeterminate step 2.
  6. Good win today. I caught part of it. Seager is on fire, though I think the Sox CF probably should have caught his triple.
  7. CDAK

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    Thanks for the info. I didn't actually care about Mac Jones' DUI though. I was taking a shot at the author of the tweet.
  8. A little bit of both probably. I'm traditionally a casual Ms fan. Go to a game or two per year. Watch a few more on tv. Starting with the COVID-shortened season, my interest has increased. Maybe due to COVID, maybe some of the exciting younger players, not exactly sure. I got a little time off work but am returning soon, so these two games probably will be my last in person for a couple of months.
  9. CDAK

    2021 NFL DRAFT

    I've read that tweet 5 times and I still don't know what happened with the DUI.
  10. I only caught the first 3 innings and the 10th inning. Can't believe the Ms scored 7 runs on 3 hits. I've got tix to the next home game against the Angels on 4/30. Ms finally released an allotment of single game tix that made it down to me. I'll catch that one and one game against the Orioles (May 5). I assume it's going to feel a little empty but with 9k allowed, maybe it will feel like a normal Ms game...
  11. Yeah, fair. I just thought the leaker would convey the entire rate sheet, rather than just the top line.
  12. I don't see reporting on whether there (1) is a new rate for only people making over 1M or (2) are new rates across the board with the highest rate being 43.4
  13. I usually watch through my Roku but will look into that. Thanks
  14. Trying to watch Mariners games from Seattle is painfully difficult. Every game is regionally blacked out because its carried by Root. So, my MLB.tv sub is basically worthless. I end up having to watch bootleg streams as the only way to get Root is to get AT&T cable package I think.
  15. I really really doubt the NCAA is going to pass over SEC host sites for college baseball. Maybe San Antonio and Atlanta will struggle to get a future final four in basketball, but the NCAA is not denying Arkansas and the MS schools host sites (and Texas if that bill passes).
  16. I'm ambivalent on whether legislation is advisable. Like you, I don't think this is a widespread problem. Maybe letting the UIL and other governing bodies handle is the right approach because they can revisit their rules frequently. But I don't think we need to wait for "total domination" before acknowledging any problem. It's an issue for more than just the runner-up in a race. It's an issue for the girl that got third. It's an issue for the girl that got fourth. It's an issue for the girl that didn't qualify for the state finals. It's a problem for the girl who gets cut and otherwise would be the 12th woman on her high school basketball team.
  17. Are there any major metros that you know of where only the first 2 apply? In other words, is (3) not a problem in some cities? I realize you may not know the answer to that question. I'm no zoning guru but it seems like home prices are spiking in every major metro, with maybe the exception of NYC and San Francisco. So, (3) must either be common across cities across the country or it must be a small factor compared to (1) and (2).
  18. I assume those numbers reference starting comp for software engineers. Is that right? I mean, someone starting in marketing or HR isn't getting that package, right?
  19. I'd also like to see Quintanilla be given the chance to expand his role a bit. Maybe a midweek or Sunday start or an opportunity to close.
  20. 1-0 to start. Can't complain with that.
  21. What's the best/easiest way to "shop" mortgages? I don't want to go to the ends of the earth trying to find a slightly lower closing costs or interest rate but would like to get 2-3 cost estimates just to feel like I did my due diligence. With the first house we bought several years ago, I just used Quicken. It was fine. I have no qualms. I'm having difficulty getting them to respond to me now though. Maybe they've gone downhill. I don't know. Our agent is really pushing Caliber and gets aggravated when I mention trying to get another quote (which annoys me). I use USAA for most of my banking but they apparently don't offer non-VA mortgages. I'm not a veteran. We live in the Pacific Northwest if that makes any difference.
  22. It looks like they may do that. Stick with WFT.
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